The Geosphere


Geosphere - Geology 1º ESO
Flashcards by gomezolvega007, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gomezolvega007 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Earth: Origin and composition The Earth is the third closest planet to the Sun. It's a rocky planet and the only planet that has water in all three states. Four layers: Geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.
The origin of the Earth Chemical reactions. Acretion of planetesimals. Denser materials (iron), to the Earth's interior and less dense materials (oxygen), move to the Earth's surface: Density differentiation
Studying the Earth's interior Seismic method analyses the energy generated by earthquakes. Seismic waves can be detected by a sismograph
Layers of the geosphere - The crust *Continental crust *Oceanic crust - The mantle *Upper mantle *Lower mantle -The core *Outer core *Inner core
Minerals Minerals are solid, inorganic, natural materials. They have a definite chemical composition and usually have a crystaline structure.
Physical properties of minerals - Optical -Mechanical - Magnetic
Optical properties Relate to how a mineral reacts to light: - Habit - Streak - Colour - Lustre
Mechanical properties Refer to how the mineral behaves when a force is applied to its surface. - Hardness: Mohs scale - Cleavage: the way a mineral breaks. - Tenacity: how easily a mineral breaks.
Magnetic properties Some minerals behave like a magnet. The attract objects that contain iron and nickel.
Other properties of materials - Transparency: transparent, translucent or opaque. - Density: Relation between the mass and volume.
The importance of minerals Minerals are used mainly as metal ores, as raw materials for industry, or sold as gems or precious stones.
Metal ores Native or noble minerals
Raw materials for industry Most abundant minerals found in the Earth's crust. Examples: uraninite, quartz and gypsum.
Gems or preiuous stones They are used for jewellery
Rocks Rocks are natural aggregates made up of one or various different minerals. - Composition: *Simple or homogeneous rocks: One mineral. Calcite. *Complex or heterogeneous rocks: Variety of minerals. Granite. - Texture: Size and arrangement of the minerals in the rock.
Types of rocks according to their origin
Igneous rocks Magma is a substance made up of melted materials mixed with gases and water, formed in the Earth's interior. - Volcanic igneous rocks or extrusive: Obsidian, pumice and basalt. - Plutoic igneous rocks or intrusive: Granite, syenite and gabbro.
Sedimentary rocks Sediments are fragments of rock and organic material that have been transported and deposited by water and wind. Places: sedimentary basins. Process is called diagenesis or lithification.
Formation of sedimentary rocks - Compaction is when sediments lose volume. - Cementation takes place after the water is lost and the salts form crystals.
Classification of sedimentary rocks - Detrital sedimentary rocks: Made up of other rocks. Canglomerates, sandstone and clay. - Non-detrital sedimentary rocks: Are not made of fragments of other rocks. Limestone, gypsum, coal and petroleum. Coal and petroleum are combustible fossils.
Metamorphic rocks Metamorphism is the process that changes a rock into a different type of rock. - Foliated: Parallel layers. Slate, Schist, Gneiss and Migmatite - Non- foliated: No layers. Marble and quartzite.
The rock cycle The rock cycle is a series of processes that a rock goes through to transform into another type of rock.
The use of rocks - Building materials: Cement, concrete, ceramics and glass. - Ornamental rocks. - Source of fosssil fuels. - Source of mineral for technological use.
Extraction of minerals and rocks A deposit is the place where minerals or rocks are found in sufficient quantity to make extraction economically beneficial. - Superficial extractions: *Opencast mines *Quarries - Subterranean extractions: Underground mines and adits.
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