New vocabulary. Module 2


Bachillerato Académico o Clásico TECH- ENGLISH Flashcards on New vocabulary. Module 2, created by Laura Carolina Camacho Archila on 29/05/2016.
Laura Carolina Camacho Archila
Flashcards by Laura Carolina Camacho Archila, updated more than 1 year ago
Laura Carolina Camacho Archila
Created by Laura Carolina Camacho Archila almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
UNDERSTAND Perceive and have a clear idea of what is said, done or happens or discover the deeper meaning of something
SYMPATHIES share the sorrow of others
EMPATHIES Empathy is intended to understand the feelings and emotions, trying to experience objectively and rationally what he feels another individual. The word empathy is Greek “empathies “meaning “excited”
FORGIVE Forgetting [a person] the offense he committed another person against her or against each other and not hold a grudge or punishing him for it, or not to consider a debt or other obligation that has with it
PERSONALITY Set of traits and qualities that shape the way of being of a person and distinguish themselves from other
YOUNG Which it is in the period of life between childhood and middle age
IRRESPONSIBLE Is not responsible, age, ability or other circumstances
VIOLENT Using violence or encourage prone to conflict
PLAYGROUND The recreation yard or playground is a delimited place, which can be open or covered, associated with an educational institution (primary or secondary), where students can relax and distracted during daily breaks.
INSECURITY Lack of security. "Insecurity, a sense of insecurity" antonyms: security
WEAK Which it has little strength or poor mental or moral strength to withstand or cope with difficult situations or misfortunes
UNHAPPY It is not happy, that implies or entails unhappiness
STUCK Stay detained in a place unable to move or advance:
JEALOUS It applies to the person who is jealous or is likely to have them
HURTFUL That hurts.
SOLUTIONS Give or find a solution or an answer to a problem, a question or an issue
COMMUNICATION Transmission of signals by a common code to the sender and receiver
QUESTIONS One question is an interpellation is done with the intent to obtain some information. In pronouncing this question, it is expected to receive a response that includes the desired data
RESPONSIBILITY Quality of the person responsible.
TEACHERS A teacher is an individual who is dedicated to teaching an art, a discipline or science
FAMILY Group of people formed by a pair (usually linked by legal or religious ties), who lives and has a life in common, and their children when they have them.
FRIENDS A friend is a person with whom a friendship remains. A friendship is an emotional relationship between two people, built on the basis of reciprocity and regular treatment. Core values in a friendship are loyalty, love, solidarity, unconditional, sincerity and commitment.
STRATEGY Art of designing and directing military operations, especially those of war
VISUALIZATION Action display
STRONG Continued use resisting, friction or is securely attached and is difficult to start, remove or break.
CALM Tranquility, the absence of agitation and nerves in the way they act.
SMILE Making his mouth gesture smile
LAUGHTER Express joy, pleasure or happiness through certain movements of the mouth, eyes and other parts of the face, accompanied by the emission of a series of explosive and inarticulate sounds.
ADVICE Apparently opinion or someone gives or receives about their future conduct
CONFRONT Poner a una persona o una cosa, material o inmaterial, frente a otra para compararlas u oponerlas entre sí.
SURPRISE Emotional disturbance caused by something unforeseen or unexpected
REACTION Change produced in response to a stimulus.
ATTENTION voluntary application of mental activity or senses to a given stimulus or object mental or sensitive
RESPECT Treat them with respect or consideration a person or thing for some quality, situation or circumstance that determines them.
STRENGTH Physical ability to perform work or movement
CONVICTION Security is a person of truth or certainty of what he thinks or feels.
HONESTY Quality of the person or thing that is honest.
TRUTH Match between a proposition and the state of affairs it expresses.
CONFUSION Order or lack of clarity when many people hay or together things
ANGER Anger is disgust or anger generally felt by another person as a result of performing some action or untimely demonstration and that bothers us .
PROVOCATION The act of provoking or causing an often violent or strong reaction
SIGNS Something that signifies something else:
SITUATION The state of affairs; combination of circumstances:
CONTROL To regulate, govern, or command;
BREATHE To take (air, etc.) into the lungs and send (it) out; inhale and exhale:
WALK To move on foot at a moderate pace or speed, usually naturally, normally, and without hurry
AWAY From this or that place
VISUALISE To form a mental image of:
MANAGE to succeed in dealing with
FLEXIBILITY capable of being bent without breaking
BLEND to mix smoothly together
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