BIOS Basics


Some basic info about the BIOS, UEFI, CMOS, and POST
Jessica Rizo
Flashcards by Jessica Rizo, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Rizo
Created by Jessica Rizo about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the BIOS? Basic Input/Output System
What is POST? Power On Self Test Looks for a boost loader Checks to see if CPU, RAM, and even BIOS itself are functioning If there is something wrong with the computer, it will sound a beep code that indicates the section of the computer that’s experiencing issues
What is ROM BIOS? Read Only Memory—BIOS Call back to a time where the BIOS booted from read only memory. Nowadays boots from integrated chip or flash memory
What is UEFI BIOS? Unified Extensible Firmware Interface Basically a more user friendly navigation interface to navigate the BIOS Before it was text based
What are the advantages to using UEFI BIOS? Can boot from large storage sizes (>2.2TB) Supports FAT( Fie Allocation Table) formatted drives & removable data Offers “pre-boot environment” where you can use apps, browse internet, and use storage drives
What is Non-Volatile BIOS memory? Where you store any changes to BIOS Usually flash memory on the MOBO
What is CMOS? Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor What was used before flash memory to store the BIOS config settings Battery supported & refreshed this memory
What is the “CMOS” now used for? CMOS is now just used to keep the date and time instead of the setting
What is “flashing the BIOS”? When you upgrade the BIOS *Upgrading the BIOS is something that shouldn’t be done unless absolutely necessary
What is the BIOS password? The password is necessary to load the OS
What is the Supervisor Password? If the BIOS needs to be configured then you must enter this password Nobody can enable or disable this settings without this password
What is the FDE? Full-Disk Encryption Everything on the BIOS is encrypted Different OS have their own types Most of these are integrated on the MOBO
What is Secure Boot? Part of the UEFI specifications already Checks to see if the core signatures matches before booting If they were altered it will fail to boot This in case malware was installed on the OS
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