Week 3 unit 3 word quiz


Use of I, You, He and She
Bill Tam
Flashcards by Bill Tam, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Bill Tam
Created by Bill Tam almost 9 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When I give a correct answer to a question, what can you say to me using the word "nail" ? You have nailed it.
What is the meaning of the phrasal verb "held up" in the sentence "he is held up at his office" ? He is being ​delayed by someone or something
What is the phrasal verb when a relationship between two persons ends Broke up
​What is the verb to use "to say something as a ​joke, often making someone ​believe something that is not ​true" Kidding
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