ACT Exam "Word of the Day" Set 1


These are vocabulary words you may see in the ACT Exam. For more great insights on test prep for the SAT, ACT, SSAT, or GRE visit us at
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Created by SAT Prep Group over 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Abased (noun) to humble or humiliate
Backlash (noun) a strong and adverse reaction
Cacophony (noun) a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
Dalliance (noun) brief or casual involvement with something
Earnest (adj) resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction
Fabricate (verb) invent or concoct with deceitful intent
Gaffe (noun) an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator
Hackneyed (adj) (of a phrase or idea) lacking significance through having been overused
Ignominious (adj) deserving or causing public disgrace or shame
Jubilation (noun) a feeling of great happiness and triumph
Laconic (adj) (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words
Machination (noun) plots and intrigues
Naive (adj) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement
Obligate (verb) bind or compel (someone) esp. legally or morally
Palliative (adj) relieving pain or alleviating a problem without dealing with the underlying cause
Peer (verb) one that is of equal standing with another
Quagmire (noun) an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation
Rambunctious (adj) uncontrollably exuberant
Refract (verb) to change direction
Sagacious (adj) having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement
Solitary (adj) done or existing alone
Tactile (adj) perceptible by touch or apparently so
Tractable (adj) (of a situation or problem) easy to deal with
Undermine (verb) damage or weaken, esp. gradually
Underscore (verb) to emphasize something
Vacillate (verb) alternate or waver between different opinions or actions
Vigor (noun) physical strength and good health
Waver (verb) be undecided between two opinions or courses of action
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