Created by Alexandra Bozan
over 7 years ago
Question | Answer |
macule | nonpalpable, lesion, less than < 1cm, ex: petechiae, freckle |
Patch | nonpalpable, lesion, > 1cm |
papule | palpable, elevated solid masses, < 0.5 cm, ex: mole |
plaque | palpable, elevated solid masses, > 0.5 cm, ex: coalesced papules |
nodule | palpable, elevated solid masses, 0.5 - 2 cm, firmer than a papule, ex: wart |
tumor | palpable, elevated solid masses, > 2 cm |
wheal | palpable, elevated solid masses, irregular superficial area of localized skin edema, ex: mosquito bite, hives |
vescicle | superficial skin elevations formed by free fluid, filled with serous fluid, < 0.5 cm, ex: herpes simplex |
bulla | superficial skin elevations formed by free fluid, filled with serous fluid, > 0.5 cm, ex: 2nd degree burn |
pustule | superficial skin elevations formed by free fluid, filled with pus, ex: acne |
activities of daily living (ADLs) | self-care activities such as eating, bathing, dressing, and toileting |
adventitious breath sounds | abnormal breath sound heard over the lungs |
auscultation | listening for sounds within the body |
body mass index | ratio of heigh to weight |
bronchial sounds | those heard over the trachea; high in pitch and intensity, with expiration being longer than inspiration |
bronchovesicular sounds | normal breath sounds heard over the upper anterior chest and intercostal area |
bruits | unusual sound, usually abnormal, hear in auscultation |
comprehensive assessment | health history and complete physical examination, usually conducted when a patient first enters a health care setting; provides a baseline for comparing later assessment |
diaphoresis | an excessive amount of perspiration, such as when the entire skin is moist |
ecchymosis | collection of blood in subcutaneous tissues that causes a purplish discoloration |
erythema | redness of the skin |
health history | a collection of subjective information that provides information about the patient's health status |
inspection | purposeful and systematic observation |
instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) | the activities of daily living needed for independent living (driving, taking care of finances, etc.) |
pallor | paleness of the skin |
palpation | method of examining by feeling |
percussion | act of striking one object against another for the purpose of producing a sound; used to assess the location, shape, size and density of body tissues |
petechiae | small, purplish hemorrhagic spots on the skin that do not blanch with applied pressure |
physical assessment | systematic examination of the patient for objective data to better define the patient's condition and to help the nurse in planning care, usually performed in a head to toe format; a collection of objective data about changes in the patient's body systems |
precordium | anterior surface of the chest wall overlying the heart and its related structures |
turgor | tension of the skin determined by its hydration |
vesicular breath sounds | normal sounds of respiration heard on auscultation over peripheral lung areas |
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