Chapter 17: Developmental Concepts: Vocabulary


Unit IV: Promoting Health Across the Lifespan Chapter 17: Developmental Concepts
Alexandra Bozan
Flashcards by Alexandra Bozan, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexandra Bozan
Created by Alexandra Bozan over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
accommodation alteration of existing thought processess to manage more complex information
assimilation integrating new experiences into existing schema
growth an increase in body size or changes in body cell structure
development an orderly pattern of changes in structure, thoughts, feelings, or behaviors resulting from maturation, experiences and learning
genome all the DNA in an organism, including its genes
genomics study of the structure and interactions of all the genes in the human body, including their interactions with each other as well as the environment
pharmocogenetics study of how genetic variation affects a person's response to drugs
cognitive event learning occurs as a result of the internal organization of an event, forming a mental schema (plan) and serving as a base for further schemas
developmental tasks learned behavior
faith spiritual dimension of a person's life regardless of religious affiliation
moral development influence of cultural effects on one's perceptions of justice in interpersonal relationships
Erikson: infancy (1-12 months) Trust Vs Mistrust: infant learns to rely on caregivers to meet basic needs forming trust in others. Mistrust can result from inconsistent, inadequate or unsafe care.
Erikson: preschool (4-6 years) Initiative vs Guilt: Preschooler takes initiative in learning; actively seeks out new experiences and explores the how/why. If restrictions/reprimands are experienced, guilt results, and child hesitates to attempt more challenging skills.
Erikson: toddler (1-3) Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt: Learns from the environment, gains independence through encouragement. If caregivers are overprotective or have high expectations, shame and doubt, feelings of inadequacy develop
Erikson: school-aged Industry vs Inferiority: Gains pleasure from finishing projects, receiving recognition for accomplishments. If not accepted by peers, or can't meet parental expectation, a feeling of inferiority/lack of self-worth develops
Erikson: Adolescence Identity vs. Role Confusion Transition between childhood/adulthood. Tries on roles, rebels, while acquiring a sense of self and decides what direction to take in life. Role confusion occurs if unable to establish identity and sense of direction
Erikson: Young adulthood Intimacy vs Isolation Unites self-identity w/identities of friends to form commitments to others. Fear of commitments result in isolation and loneliness
Erikson: Middle Adulthood Generativity vs Stagnation Involvement w/family, friends and community. Becomes concerned for next generation, contributes to the world. If not met, stagnation occurs, becomes self-absorbed w/their own needs or regress
Erikson: Later adulthood Ego Integrity vs. Despair Reminiscence about life provides sense of fulfillment/purpose. Not fearful of dying and feel they have achieved integrity. If one believes life is filled with failures, a sense of despair prevails
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