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Blood Histology Slides


Flashcards on Blood Histology Slides, created by Amanda Lemmond on 13/09/2017.
Amanda Lemmond
Flashcards by Amanda Lemmond, updated more than 1 year ago
Amanda Lemmond
Created by Amanda Lemmond over 7 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
Blood: -erythrocytes -neutrophils -platelets
Erythrocytes: -erythrocytes -nucleus of endothelial cells
Monocyte: -oval/kidney shaped nucleus -agranulocyte
Eosinophil: -cytoplasmic granules in eosinophil -bilobed nucleus
Basophil: -cytoplasmic granules in basophil -bilobed nucleus (U or S-shaped)
Lymphocyte: -round/slightly indented large nucleus -B cell, T cell, and NK cell
Neutrophil: -multilobed (3-5) nucleus connected by nuclear strands
Megakaryocyte: -mutilobed nucleus, may contain multiple sets of chromosomes
Sickle-cell: -more fragile than normal erythrocyte -only lives ~20 days (difficult for erythropoiesis to keep up) -results: anemia, jaundice
Plasmodium falciparum (Malaria): -Malaria caused by Plasmodium protist infecting RBCs -RBC become more fragile->anemia -Toxins build up in RBC, causing cytokine release by macrophages->fever, sweating *Sickle-cells have less volume to hold Plasmodium/fewer binding sites
Blood Type A surface antigen A anti-B antibodies in plasma
Blood Type B surface antigen B anti-A antibodies in plasma
Blood Type O no antigen anti-A antibodies anti-B antibodies (O- universal donor)
Blood Type AB antigen A antigen B no antibodies (AB+ universal recipient)
Agglutination Clumping of erythrocytes; occurs if an antigen is mixed with its corresponding antibody ex: Type A donor (antigen A) and Type B recipient (anti-A antibodies)
Rh Factor Blood is Rh+ if surface antigen D is present Rh- if no surface antigen D Rh- can donate to Rh+
HbF Fetal Hemoglobin: -alpha and gamma subunits -present at birth, falls to 1-2% by age 1 (normal adult level)
O2 binding and HbF -HbA-O2 binding impeded by DPG -DPG binds more easily to beta than gamma subunit -HbF-O2 affinity decreases much less with DPG than HbA
HbF and Sickle-cell -Sickle-cell caused by mutation in beta-chain -Increasing HbF production->decrease symptoms -hydroxyurea inhibits HbA production; gamma subunits interfere w/hemoglobin crystallization, inhibiting sickle-cell shape
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