Nutrition and Physical Activity Vocabulary


4th quarter vocab terms for the nutrition and physical activity section
sarah Reid
Flashcards by sarah Reid, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
RaeAnn Thompson
Created by RaeAnn Thompson over 8 years ago
sarah Reid
Copied by sarah Reid about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
amino acids the building blocks of all proteins
anemia lack of iron in the blood
antibodies The protein that helps fight infection
calcium Mineral that strengthens bones and teeth
cancer A disease that occurs when body cells grow in an out of control way
carbohydrates A compound that provides the most efficient energy for your body
cardiovascular Involving the heart and blood vessels
cholesterol a waxy fat that is made by animals and can cause heart disease
complete protein a food that contains all 9 essential amino acids
colon/bowel cancer Can result when you don't get enough fiber in your diet
complex carbohydrates Gives your body lasting energy; takes longer to break down. Low GI foods
deficiency a lack or shortage
dehydration excessive loss of fluid in the body
Type 2 diabetes when the body's ability to use carbs/sugar is impaired as a result of overconsumming sugar
fat one of the 6 essential nutrients; it's where our body's store extra energy
fiber Helps move waste out of the body (excrete), bulks out the stomach to make us feel fuller for longer
glucose What your body breaks food down into so it can get energy to your cells
heart disease When your heart and / or blood vessels aren't working properly
hemoglobin The protein that helps carry oxygen in your blood
high blood pressure When the pressure against the blood vessel walls is higher than normal
Energy dense foods Foods that have very few nutrients but a lot of kilojoules from sugar or fat
insulin A hormone that helps your body use the sugar in your blood
iron An important mineral that carries oxygen in your red blood cells. Found in high quatities in red meats and proteins
lactose The natural sugars found in milk / milk products
nutrients water, vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and fat
nutritionally beneficial Foods and drinks that contain good levels of complex carbohydrates, protein, fibre and vitamins and minerals. Low GI foods
protein Used by the body to make and repair skin, muscle and bone, found in high amounts in chicken, lean red meats, fish, eggs, nuts
Saturated fat The kind that comes from animals and is solid at room temperature. Increases risk of obesity and heart disease
simple carbohydrates Gives your body immediate energy; quick and easy to break down. High GI foods
sodium also known as salt, over consumming can lead to high blood pressure and strokes
sucrose another name for table sugar
trans fat The WORST kind, that keeps baked foods crispy, can cause Heart disease
unsaturated fat The best kind of fat that comes from plants and fish; liquid at room (olive/canola/rice bran/avocado oils)
water soluble Vitamins that are circulate easily in your blood; excess leaves in your urine (Vit C)
Wholegrains The best source of fiber for complex carbohydrates
kilojoule The measure of energy in food
nutrient dense Foods that have few kilojoules but lots of nutrients
vegan a person who eats only plant based foods; no meat, eggs, dairy
vegetarian a person who eats mostly plants, and sometimes eggs and/or dairy
partially hydrogenated oil A harmful substance made by chemically changing the structure of a good fat
HDL (high density lipoprotein) The good kind of cholesterol
LDL (low density lipoprotein) The bad kind of cholesterol
osteoporosis When bones become porous and brittle (easy to break)
1 serving of fruit handful
1 serving of vegetables handful
1 serving of protein palm size (100-125g)
1 serving of grains palm size-bread, 1 cup cooked rice/pasta, 1 potato
1 serving of dairy 40g cheese, 1 cup milk, 125g yoghurt
water needed in a day 8+ glasses
how many serves protein in a day? 2-3 serves meat/meat alternatives
Most dense energy source Fat
Name a high protein food Chicken, fish, nuts, legumes, lean red meat
Name a source of low GI, high fibre complex carbohydrate grain bread, wholemeal pasta, seeds, untoasted muesli
How many serves of breads/grains for a teenager/day? 7+ (more if active) complex low GI are best
Food and Nutrition Guidelines: (FNG) Make half your plate ________ fruits and vegetables
FNGs: Restrict the amount of _________ salt
FNGs: Restrict the amount of _________ fat
FNGs: Restrict the amount of_________ added sugar
FNGs: Balance your ____________ energy(food) intake = energy(exercise) output
FNGs: Make most of your grains _________ wholegrains
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