Chapter Six


Ego Analytic Psychology
Megan Lee
Flashcards by Megan Lee, updated more than 1 year ago
Megan Lee
Created by Megan Lee almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
level two psychoanalysis study of children and exploration of the ego
child psychoanalysis ages four plus
classical techniques of psychoanalysis free association interpretation of dreams analysis of the transference
DIAGNOSTIC PROFILE assessment of developmental issues in children
DEVELOPMENTAL LINE the id-ego in kids and role of increased independence
the six developmental lines that compliments her father's work of psychosexual development (1) dependency to emotional self-reliance, (2) sucking to rational eating, (3) wetting and soiling to bladder and bowel control, (4) irresponsibility to responsibility in body management, (5) play to work (6) egocentricity to companionship
Freud -> unconscious drives of the id Anna -> the ego must become aware of the defenses that it is using to prevent the material from re emerging into consciousness
Erick Erikson's identity crisis raised Jewish but Danish
Peter Blos adolescence
#10 1933 Boston the city's first child psychoanalysis
1938 Sioux in South Dakota (recurring theme) childhood events are shaped by society and its customs
Erikson extends Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory 1 defined ego more 2 elaborated Freud's stages of development 3 life span 4 impact of culture and society and history
Heinz Hartmann psychoanalysist
Hartman ego adaption to environment
Erikson's view on ego Erikson agreed with Sigmund Freud that many aspects of ego functioning are unconscious, but he believed the ego has an overall unifying purpose that leads to consistent behavior and conduct
Erikson's psychosocial stages of development emotional conflict a child encounters at different critical periods
Erikson and Freud Four stages and psychosexual stages then four phases in genital stage
Erikson number of stages eight
life crisis a crucial period in which the individual cannot avoid a decisive turn one way or the other
#20 (the life cycle) psychosexual stage oral sensory and kinesthetic (infancy) anal-muscular (toddler) phallic or genital-locomotor (pre-k) latency period (school) genital (adolescence) (young adulthood) (adulthood) (maturity)
(the life cycle) psychosocial stage trust vs mistrust autonomy vs shame and doubt initiative vs guilt industry vs. inferiority ego identity vs role confusion intimacy vs isolation generativity vs stagnation ego integrity vs despair
(the life cycle) ego strength or virtue hope will purpose competency fidelity love care wisdom
Pine Ridge Reservation South Dakota children of Sioux events of an individual's life are shaped by societal practices
PSYCHOHISTORY the study of individual and collective life with the combined methods of psychoanalysis and history
inner space girls openness vs closedness
outer space boys highness and lowness
Erickson two components to identity formation crisis ( the struggle to reexamine old values) commitment (making a decision and following it's implications.
Marcia to assess statuses identity diffusion foreclosure moratorium identity achievement
Phinney's model of ethnic identity three stages diffused/foreclosed moratorium achieved
Dan McAdams each of us develops identity and comes to know who we are by constructing a conscious or conscious narrative of the self-develops through psychosocial development
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