JAPAN 101 - Lesson 4 Vocab.


East Asian Studies Flashcards on JAPAN 101 - Lesson 4 Vocab., created by Viola Bolik on 20/10/2017.
Viola Bolik
Flashcards by Viola Bolik, updated more than 1 year ago
Viola Bolik
Created by Viola Bolik over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
アルバイト (arubaito) part-time job
かいもの (kaimono) Shopping
クラス (kurasu) Class
あなた (anata) You
inu Dog
isu Chair
omiyage souvenir
kodomo child
shashin photo
gohan rice; meal
tsukue desk
neko cat
pan (katakana) bread
hito person
me--ru e-mail
otera temple
kouen park
su--pa-- supermarket
depa--to department store
basutei (katakana) bus top
byouin (katana) hospital
hoteru hotel
honya bookstore
machi town/city
resutoran restaurant
kinou yesterday
~jikan ...hours
cf. ichijikan one hour
senshuu last week
toki when...; at the tiem of ... (~no)
getsuyoubi Monday
kayoubi Tuesday
suiyoubi Wednesday
mokuyoubi Thursday
kinyoubi Friday
au to meet; to see (a person)
aru there is...
kau to buy
kaku to write
toru to take (a picture)
matsu to wait
wakaru to understand
iru (a person) is in... ; stays at ...
~gurai about (approx. measure)
gomen nasai I'm sorry
dakara so; terefore
takusan many; a lot
~to together with (a person)
doushite why
hitoride alone
migu right
hidari left
mae front
ushiro back
naka inside
ue on
shito under
chikaku near; nearby
tonari next
aida between
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