Phases of Mitosis


A level Biology (Cell Division) Flashcards on Phases of Mitosis, created by Irene Binil on 01/12/2017.
Irene Binil
Flashcards by Irene Binil, updated more than 1 year ago
Irene Binil
Created by Irene Binil almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Prophase The nuclear membrane starts to break down. The centrioles start to move to the poles of the cell and make spindle fibres. Chromosomes super coil and condense and becomes visible, appears as 2 identical sister chromatids joined at the centromere.
Metaphase Centrioles complete the production of spindle fibres. Chromosomes are attached to the spindle fibres by thier centromere. Chromosomes align down the equator of the cell.
Anaphase Spindle fibres contract. Centromeres splits. Identical chromatids are pulled to opposite poles, making a 'v' shape.
Telophase nuclear membrane starts to form around each set of chromosomes. the chromatids becomes invisible.
Cytokinesis the surface membrane pinches together and 2 daughter cells form.
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