Political Parties


A level Government And Politics Flashcards on Political Parties, created by Jodi Rose on 22/12/2017.
Jodi Rose
Flashcards by Jodi Rose, updated more than 1 year ago
Jodi Rose
Created by Jodi Rose about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Roles and Functions of a Political Party Represent- Their members and society Reqruitment- Provisint people to become MPs and backbenchers Participation- more involvement in poltics Governing- Leading the country if the election is won Policy formulation- Manifesto Electoral Function – Parties put forward and support candidates at election time
Conservative Ideologies Private> Public sector Low taxation Less state investment Individualism Traditional David Cameron as Prime Minister has had to balance his conservative leanings with the opinions of his coalition partners. However there have been some clear examples of his one nationist agenda, for example his support for gay marriage, his pushing of big society and his continued support for green issues and international aid. There have also been some clearly traditional conservative policies such as opposing house of lords and electoral reform, reduction of the top rate of income tax, public sector cuts and pushing for free schools. There were also plenty of traditional ideas in his manifestos which have yet to be made into policy such as the marriage tax allowance and his proposal for a referendum over changes to European treaties.
Labour ideologies the belief that the state should provide for those less fortunate in society. Public sector jobs being an example of this. Also look to reduce inequality between people. Positive view of human nature and their ability to work together for the good of all, rather than a more selfish individualistic view. Use examples of equality legislation under Brown and extension of welfare benefits post 97.
Liberal Highlight the importance of liberty and freedom for the citizens of a country. Equality is also an important idea in an attempt to create a fairer society. However do not see state intervention in all aspects of life as desirable and should only be involved in helping fairness. Believe in greater freedom in the economy. Highlight championing of civil rights and plan to rescind parts of anti-terror legislation (e.g. reduction of 28 Day detention)
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