Spreadsheet Terminology


Foundation Technologies Flashcards on Spreadsheet Terminology, created by Judy Stephenson on 10/01/2018.
Judy Stephenson
Flashcards by Judy Stephenson, updated more than 1 year ago
Judy Stephenson
Created by Judy Stephenson about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Spreadsheet Spreadsheet- An application that can be used to calculate, analyze and present data.
Active Cell the thick-bordered cell where you can enter numbers or formulas
Cell the space at the intersection of a row and a column
Cell Address the location of a cell on the spreadsheet identified by the column letter and row number
Cell Range a group or block of cells in a spreadsheet. Operations can be performed on a range of cells. The range highlighted below is B3 through D4. It is written as B3:D4
Cell Reference Error If a formula is not correctly entered in a spreadsheet the error message #REF will appear in the cell.
Chart/Graph Visual representation of data in a spreadsheet Types of charts and what they are used for Line Graph - used to display trends over a period of time. Pie Graph - shows relationship of one set of data to the entire data set. Bar Graph - Used to compare individual or sets of values to each other.
Column the vertical (up and down) divisions in a spreadsheet that are named with an alphabetical letter
Column Heading the lettered box at the top of a column in a spreadsheet, used to highlight an entire column
Formula Bar or Data Entry Bar the bar at the top of the spreadsheet used to enter data into the cell that you have selected
Grid blank setup of rows and columns in a spreadsheet on which data is to be entered
Gridlines the vertical and horizontal lines displayed in the body of a spreadsheet; the intersections of the gridlines forms cells
Legend text that explains the meaning of colours and patterns used in a graph/chart also called the key
Row the horizontal divisions in a spreadsheet named with a number
Row Heading the numbered box at the beginning of a row in a spreadsheet, used to highlight an entire row
Sort arranging information in a specific order (usually ascending and descending)
Ascending Order organizing or sorting information in order from smallest to largest, or A-Z or 1-9.
Descending Order organizing or sorting information in order from largest to smallest, Z-A, or 9-1
Data - Label the term given to the data entered as text in a spreadsheet Most people just use the more common word - text.
Data - Values the term give to the data entered as numbers in a spreadsheet Many people prefer more common word - numbers.
Data - Formulas Formulas are used to perform calculations. They can range from basic mathematical operations, add & subtract, to complex engineering and statistical calculations.
Formulas Formulas always begin with =
Data • data is a collection of information gathered by observation, questioning or measurement. • data is often organised in graphs or charts for analysis and may include facts, numbers or measurements.
Worksheet One page of a spreadsheet
Workbook Many worksheets in one file
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