Palliative Care for Test #1


Palliative Care Flashcards on Palliative Care for Test #1, created by alexis beaulieu on 05/02/2018.
alexis beaulieu
Flashcards by alexis beaulieu, updated more than 1 year ago
alexis beaulieu
Created by alexis beaulieu almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Personal Baggage Your values, ideas, hopes, fears, stereotypes, dreams, biases and beliefs
Types of Boundries Personal: How physically close you can be with comfort Emotional: How emotionally close you can be with comfort
4 Dying Patterns Sudden Death: 10% Steady Decline: 20% Stuttering and Slow Decline: 70%
Sudden Death 10% Heart attack, stroke, car accidents, fatal accidents
Steady Decline 20% Certain cancers Often in last 6 months
Stuttering and Slow Decline 70% Stuttering: Organ failure, chronic disease, COPD, CHF Slow: Parkinson's, Dimentia
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Firearms, TASER, Sudden Death, Police Act, Victims Rights Act
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1_Neonatal Palliative Care & Bereavement
B Firearms, TASER, Sudden Death, Police Act, Victims Rights Act
Firearms, TASER, Sudden Death, Police Act, Victims Rights Act
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