Chapter 1: The study of Life


Chapter 1 in the textbook
Rose M
Flashcards by Rose M, updated more than 1 year ago
Rose M
Created by Rose M over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The driving forces for the development of science: curiosity and inquiry
Serendipity fortunate accident or lucky surprise (How Penicillin was discovered)
Fields of science are related to the ____ ____ and its phenomena are considered _____ _____. physical world; natural sciences
Natural sciences can be divided into two categories: 1. 2. 1. Life sciences: which study living things-biology 2. Physical sciences: which study nonliving matter-astronomy, geology, chemistry, and physics (Some disciplines like biochemistry are build on both life and physical sciences and are interdisciplinary)
Two Types of Science 1. Basic Science: It is not focused on developing a product, and the immediate goal is to collect data and gain knowledge 2. Applied Science: uses science to solve real-world problems (Can work together - the human genome product)
Biology A branch of natural science that study living organisms and their interactions with the environment. Bios: Life Logos: Study
Science aims to understand.... the natural world through observation and reasoning
Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning: From specific circumstances, general predictions are made Deductive Reasoning: From general ideas, specific predictions are made
Hypothesis A suggested/proposed explanation for a specific event/phenomenon that need to be tested for validation. -Must be testable and falsifiable -based on previous research in the field, can be tested using validated techniques, and repeatable -uses deductive reasoning
Scientific Method Steps 1. Obeservation 2. Question 3. Hypothesis (Answer) 4. Prediction 5. Experiment 6. Result
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