Acids and Alkalis


Chemistry Flashcards on Acids and Alkalis, created by Noah Cliff on 07/02/2018.
Noah Cliff
Flashcards by Noah Cliff, updated more than 1 year ago
Noah Cliff
Created by Noah Cliff over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Waht is an Acid? An acid is something that when reacted with a base creates a salt and water
What is the difference between a base and an Alkali? An Alkali is a soluble base A Base is something that when reacted with an acid creates a salt and water
What are indicators? They are substances that when added to an aqueous solution will indicate whether the substance is an Acid or an Alkali or Neutral. This is based on the PH scale which ranges from 0 to 14. 0-6 being acidic 7-9 being neutral and 10-14 being Alkaline.
What are the three Necessary Indicators? How do they indicate Acidity and Alkaline? 1.Litmus Paper - Litmus paper turns blue if alkaline and red if Acid 2. Methyl orange - turns yellow if alkaline and red if acid 3. phenolphthalein - It turns Pink if Alkaline and is colourless if Acid
What are Polyatomic Ions? Ions formed when groups of covalently bonded atoms lose or gain electrons. E.g. OH(-) NO3(-) SO4 (2-)
How does the PH scale work The PH scale is logarithmic meaning that ph1 is ten times stronger then PH2 and PH2 is ten times stronger than PH3.
What changes the acidity of an acid? The strength of an Acid is not only dependant on the concentration of H ions but also the type of Acid. A strong acid can dissociate fully (breakdown).
What is the word equation for a neutralisation rection? Acid + Base ---> Salt + Water
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