Second Semester People


High School/Secondary Exams History Finals Flashcards on Second Semester People, created by GarrettMurch on 04/06/2013.
Flashcards by GarrettMurch, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by GarrettMurch over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
John Quincy Adams Elected president, wrote the Monroe Doctrine, involved in the corrupt bargin
John C. Calhoun Wrote the Ordinance of Nullification, allowing a state to dismiss a law if they thought it was unconstitutional
Sequoyah Wrote the Indian Sylabary
Henry Clay Made secretary by Adams, this started the corrupt bargain because Clay helped Adams into office
James K. Polk Elected president, starts the Mexican War
Joseph Smith Founded the Mormon religion (crazy)
Brigham Young Second leader of the Mormons, led them to Salt Lake City, Utah
James W. Marshall Started the California when he found gold when digging a mill
Stephan A. Douglas Made the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Dred Scott Took a case to court claiming he was free because his owner moved to a free state. Supreme Court went against him, claiming no man could be deprived of his property, and slaves were property of their owners
Harriet Tubman Conductor of the Underground Railroad
John Brown Tried to start a slave rebellion by raiding Harpers Ferry
Robert E. Lee Officer of the US Marine Corps who stopped Brown and his men from raiding Harpers Ferry
Frederick Douglas Wrote the newspaper 'The North Star'
William Lloyd Garrison Wrote the newspaper the Liberator. He wanted instant action on slavery
Harriet Beecher Stowe Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom Protagonist of Uncle Tom's Cabin
Simon Legree Antagonist of Uncle Tom's Cabin
Abraham Lincoln President of the Union. Very Tall. Very Bearded...
Lewis and Clark Travelled from east coast to west coast of America after the Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson Davis President of the Confederacy
Sacagawea Indian woman who helped Lewis and Clark as a guide
Tehcumseh Shawnee leader who fought in the Battle of Tippecanoe against the Americans
Stonewall Jackson Confederate General, gets his nickname at Bull Run, he is killed in Chancelloersville by friendly fire
Robert E. Lee General of the North Virginian Army
Ulysess S. Grant Captured at Vicksburg, he was the best Union General
William Sherman Led the infamous March to the Sea
Oliver Harzard Perry 'We have met the enemy, and the are ours!' Stupidest quote ever...
David Farragant 'Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead'
John Wilkes Booth Lincoln's assassin
Francis Scott Key Wrote the Star Spangle Banner
Andrew Jackson 7th US president, fought in the War of 1812. Beat the British at the Battle of New Orleans
Malcolm X Believed in rights through violent methods
Rosa Parks Refused to stand for a white man on the bus and was arrested
WEB DuBois Harvard doctorate, demanded equality from Washington (DC)
Thurgood Marshall Helped the Little Rock Nine by withdrawing the governor's troops
Booker T. Washington Set up a successful black school
Martin Luther King Jr. Non-violent black rights protester, one of the main influences
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Made the Women's Dec. of Independence at the Seneca Falls Convention
Carrie Lane Chapman Catt Lead the women's movement, secured Women's Voting Rights in the 19th Amendment
Betty Friedan Wrote the Feminine Mystique
Elizabeth Blackwell First woman to practice medicine professionally
Sandra Day O'Connor First Woman Supreme Court Justice
Woodrow Wilso President during WWI
Gen. John J. Pershing Commanding General of the American troops in WWI
Herb Hoover Head of the FDA, lead America into the depression as president
Bernard Baruch Head of the War Industries Board
FDR American president who stopped the depression and lead America into WWII
Dwight D. Eisenhower Supreme General of Allied Troops in Europe in WWII
George S. Patton General who recaptured Paris (because the French surrendered so fast when the Germans came)
Douglas McArthur General of the Armies in the Philippines, when forced to retreat he said 'I will return.' Later he came, he saw, he conquered (the asians)
Chester W. Nimitz Led the forces that were meant to invade Japan
Harry S. Truman Took over FDR's place as president, authorized the use of the A-Bomb on Japan
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