Nike - Vietnam (Case Study)


Flash cards about an a case study of an MNC located in an LEDC for Economic Development
Bob Barnes
Flashcards by Bob Barnes, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Beckie Hardy
Created by Beckie Hardy about 9 years ago
Bob Barnes
Copied by Bob Barnes almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name an MNC in an LEDC Nike in Vietnam
What is an MNC factory called? A sweatshop
Why is it important that unemployed citizens receive and income? So that they can provide for themselves and their families
Why is it good that Nike is located in Vietnam? Many people are unemployed and so there are a lot of potential employees
How much does each employee earn per hour in the factory? 28 cents an hour
How many hours a week do the employees of Nike work in the factory? 78 hours a week
Why is NIKE known as a MNC It has Factories, Employees and Outlets in over 80 countries, thus is in Many other Nations
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