Unit 9 | Vocabulary | It's a crime!


Flashcards on Unit 9 | Vocabulary | It's a crime!, created by Edgar Josué Ramírez Martínez on 25/02/2018.
Edgar Josué Ramírez Martínez
Flashcards by Edgar Josué Ramírez Martínez , updated more than 1 year ago
Edgar Josué Ramírez Martínez
Created by Edgar Josué Ramírez Martínez almost 7 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
Mugging /ˈmʌɡ.ɪŋ/ An act of attacking someone and stealing their money. e.g. She suffered an assault.
Acquaintance /əˈkweɪn.təns/ A person that you have met but do not know well. e.g. Heis the only writer of my knowledge.
Folly /ˈfɒl.i/ The fact of being stupid, or a stupid action, idea, etc. e.g. I pointed out the stupidity of overspending on that scale.
Shady /ˈʃeɪ.di/ Dishonest or illegal. e.g. That's an illegal movie!
Libel /ˈlaɪ.bəl/ A piece of writing that contains bad and false things about a person. e.g. They wrote only lies about me.
Manslaughter vs murder /ˈmænˌslɔː.tər/ /ˈmɜː.dər/ 1. The act of killing a person without intending to. e.g. He killed them in a car accident. 2. The action of intentionally killing a person. e.g. Did you know his wife killed him to have his money?
Smuggling /ˈsmʌɡ.əl/ To take things or people to or from a place secretly and often illegally. e,g, They were entering the zoo with illegal stuff.
Forgery /ˈfɔː·dʒər·i/ An illegal copy of something. e.g. This painting is a copy, it is not real.
Charge (sb with sth) To accuse. e.g. He was imputed with theft.
Ringleader /ˈrɪŋˌliː.dər/ The leader of a group of people who are doing something harmful or illegal. e.g. The chief of the bad people was arrested.
Snatch /snӕtʃ/ To grab suddenly. e.g. The monkey seized my biscuit.
Put out To cause problems or difficulties for someone. e.g. I do not want to embarrass you
Set out To explain, describe, or arrange something in a clear and detailed way. e.g. In his report, he explains his plans for the department.
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