AAT4 Command Verbs used in Written Questions


Command Verbs used in AAT4 examinations
Liz Barraclough
Flashcards by Liz Barraclough, updated more than 1 year ago
Liz Barraclough
Created by Liz Barraclough almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
IDENTIFY Select, name or otherwise characterise something.
DESCRIBE Give the main characteristics, details and qualities of something. Characteristics are features.
EXPLAIN Give the purpose or reasons for something; describe how and why.
COMPARE Identify similarities and differences between at least two given things (items/sets of results/situations).
ANALYSE Separate information into separate parts and identify their characteristics
DISCUSS Give an account or response that considers a range of ideas or arguments (for and against) to come to a conclusion showing a balance of thinking.
RECOMMEND Suggest or put forward a preferred option/solution/course of action with reasons why. This is where you must suggest a course of action and state why you’ve made the suggestions. It’s important to be clear about both the recommendation and the reasons for the decision.
JUSTIFY Give supporting arguments for actions or decision made using evidence. This is about stating clear reasons for recommending a course of action, including stating why these reasons are relevant.
EVALUATE Make a value judgement on something based on a range of factors, using available knowledge/experience/evidence.
ASSESS Consider the evidence presented and come to a reasoned judgement based on relevant facts.
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