3.1 Digestion Year 8


Flashcards on 3.1 Digestion Year 8, created by rayan abdul-khaliq on 07/03/2018.
rayan abdul-khaliq
Flashcards by rayan abdul-khaliq, updated more than 1 year ago
rayan abdul-khaliq
Created by rayan abdul-khaliq about 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (2)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name all the systems in your body? 1.Digestive system 2.Respiratory system 3.Circulatory system 4.Excretory system 5.Skeletal system
What is Digestion? The process of breaking food into a usable form and nutrients are available.
Where does digestion take place? It takes place in your digestive system.
What is the meaning of digestive tract? It is the pathway that the food takes through a series of organs.
Name 2 types of digestions? 1.Mechanical digestion 2.Chemical digestion
What is Mechanical Digestion? It is when food is sliced or crushed by your teeth,which breaks it into smaller pieces.No new substance are made.
What is Chemical Digestion? It is a complex substance,the food is broken into simpler chemicals by saliva and gastric juice.It produces new ,smaller chemicals that your body can absorb.
Is your mouth a chemical or mechanical digestion? Your mouth is a Mechanical Digestion.
What are the 4 types of teeth in your mouth? 1.Incisor 2.Canines 3.Premolars 4.Molars
What do incisors do? They are the four pairs of teeth at the front and they bite off pieces small enough to chew.
What is Saliva and what does it do? Saliva is a watery liquid produced by salivary glands.It contains a chemical that changes any starch in food to glucose.
What is Oesophagus? It is a long food pipe that starts from your mouth to your stomach.
What is peristalsis? It is the process of pushing down food through the digestive tract.
What happens if food goes into your windpipe? You would start to choke and you would have to force the food to come back up so it can be swallowed correctly.
What are sphincters? They are like rings of muscles.
What happens in the stomach? The food gets stored there for 6 hours.
What is Gastric Juice? It is a mixture of chemicals produces by cells in the stomach wall.
Name 3 things Gastric Juice contains? 1. Hydrochloric Acid 2.Mucus 3.Digestive Juices
What is Hydrochloric Acid? It is a strong acid that kills many bacteria that may be swallowed.
What is Mucus? It is a layer on the lining of the stomach that prevents the stomach digesting itself.
What is Digestive Juices? There juices containing chemicals that start the digestion of protein,the main nutrient found in meat.
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