Watson's Go To Birmingham Final Vocabulary Words


These flashcards are based on the final test for LA in Ms.Gs class. Enjoy!
Jasmine McIntosh
Flashcards by Jasmine McIntosh, updated more than 1 year ago
Jasmine McIntosh
Created by Jasmine McIntosh almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Clomped Walked with a heavy tread
Crouched To stoop or bend low
Desire To wish or long for something, to crave
Disappearing To cease from sight, to vanish
Dispersal Splitting things over a wide area
Embarrassing To cause confusion and shame to
Haphazardly At random
Hilarious Extremely funny
Howled To utter a mournful cry
Hypnotized In a trance
Infect To affect with disease
Interrupted To cause a break, usually in a conversation
Matured Fully developed in body or mind
Moaned A prolonged, low sound
Mumbling To speak in a low manner, to mutter
Patient To wait in a calm manner
Pinnacle The highest point of success or achievement
Puny Of less than normal size and strength
Reputation An estimation held by the general public
Sanitation The development of public health
Scolding To scold or rebuke
Scrunch To squeeze and crunch
Sniggled To snort and giggle
Stingy Reluctant to give or spend
Temptations Things that tempt people to do things they should not do
Tortured A method of inflicting excruciating pain
Trespassing To intrude another's land
Veterinarians A doctor for animals
Whimpers To cry with low broken sounds
Wobble To move unsteadily from side to side
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