Weimar and Nazi Germany: Hitlers rise to power


GCSE History (Weimar and Nazi Germany ) Flashcards on Weimar and Nazi Germany: Hitlers rise to power, created by Niamh Grimes on 11/03/2018.
Niamh Grimes
Flashcards by Niamh Grimes, updated more than 1 year ago
Niamh Grimes
Created by Niamh Grimes over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When did Hitler join the German Workers party? Autumn 1919
What was the twenty five point program and when was it written? February 1920, Hitler and Anton Drexler wrote this political manifesto
When did Hitler become leader of the Nazi Party? July 1921
What was the Führerprinzip? Hitler has to have absolute power and authority as leader, he was answerable to no one
When did Hitler set up the SA and who were they? 1921, led by Ernst Röhm they were the Nazi private army
When and what was the Munich Putsch? 8th November 1923, Hitler seized a beer hall in Munich where the leader of the Bavarian Government the police chief and the army leader were meeting. He held them at gunpoint and won promises of support
What was the outcome of the Munich Putsch? The three leaders were allowed to leave after the agreed to support Hitler and organised troops to resist the march. Hitler and Ludendorff were arrested and 16 Nazis were killed.
What was Hitler’s sentence on April 1st? 5 years(the minimum sentence in Landsberg prison) but he only served nine months
When was the Bamberg Conference? 1926
How many members did the Nazi Party have at the end of 1928? 100,000
When was the Wall Street Crash and what was it’s impact? October 1929, loans were called in from the US, unemployment rose and factories closed, homelessness increased. This was the Great Depression
Who succeeded Müller as Chancellor in March 1930? Heinrich Brüning
Who was head of propaganda for the Nazis? Josef Goebbles
What was the outcome of the presidential election of 1932? Hindenburg secured majority after the second round, however Hitler received a huge portion of the votes.
How many seats in the Reichstag do the Nazis have July 1932? 230, von Papen becomes chancellor
When did Hitler become chancellor? 30th January 1933
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