linguistics 1-5


Flashcards on linguistics 1-5, created by Takaocchi on 14/09/2014.
Flashcards by Takaocchi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Takaocchi about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Linguistics Study of human language; study of organization, structure, form and functions of language
Theoretical linguistics Develops methods of study for the linguistic analysis
Applied Linguistics study and resolution of language problems
Language system of arbitrary signs used in society for communication
Sign words and expressions which stand for other things
Arbitrariness the form of linguistic signs bear no natural resemblance to their meaning
System a group of elements which interact (body, chess, society)
Structure a sequence of units that are in certain relationship with one another
Communication intentional exchange of information
Phonetics sounds
Phonology Combinations of sounds
Morphology internal structure of words
Syntax Sentences
Semantics meaning
Pragmatics Meaning in use
Design features of language Vocal auditory channel Broadcast transmission and directional reception Rapid fading Interchangeability Total feedback Semancity Arbitrariness Creativity Gramaticality Duality etc
Functions of language Referential Emotive Conative Poetic Phatic Performative Metalinguistic
Word a single unit of language which can be spoken or written
lexeme the unit listed in dictionaries as separate entry, belonging to some lexical category
lexicology the story of words/vocabulary of language
lexicography the compiling of dictionaries (applied linguistics)
lexicon the vocabulary of language, list of all lexical items
listeme sound-meaning combination
Open categories Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs
Closed Categories Pronouns, particles, prepositions, determiners, conjunctions
Morpheme minimal meaningful unit
allomorph variant form of morpheme: a/an, -s, -z, etc.
Orthographic word has a space on either side of it
morphological word a unique form, considers only form, not meaning
a lexical word the various forms closely related by meaning
a semantic word distinguishes between items morphologically identical, but different meaning
Polysemy one morphological word, two semantic words
Phoneme the smallest significant unit of speech
Affix a morpheme bound in specific position
Root base form
Derivational morphology (word formation) formation of new lexemes; process of lexical innovation. ex. work/worker/workplace
Inflectional morphology deals with grammatical relationships, various form of one lexeme ex. work/working process of lexical adaptation
Word formation formation of new lexemes; a process of lexical innovation
Conversion (zero derivation, functional shift) changing the meaning without changing type
Root creations Kodak, nylon, blurb
Commonization (eponyms) sandwich, lynch, boycott, diesel, platonic
Clipping shortening ex. (air)plane, bus, van, vegan, info, lab
Hypocorisms reduction to one syllable +y/ie: movie, telly, indie, cabbie
Blending (two words) chunnel, workaholic, spam, Polglish
Back-formation (Noun>Verb) editor>edit, beggar>beg, donation>donate
Abbreviations initialisms: TV, DJ, VIP, BMX, DVD acronyms: letter-words: WASP, AIDS, NATO, laser, radar syllable-words: FORTRAN
Productivity some affixes are more productive than the other (-er, -ed, -s). If there's a possibility to extend the morphological pattern in order to create new words, it's referred as a productive pattern
Transparency transparent lexemes are clearly analysable into constituent morphemes, ex. airmail, killer dog, blackbird
Opaqueness opaque lexemes may have unpredictable meaning, ex. blackmail, underdog, ladybird.
Derivation prefixation, suffixation, conversion
compounding composition
endocentric compounds one element determines another, usually the first element is modyfying, the second is the head, ex. armchair (kind of a chair), bookcase (kind of a case), fishing rod, but also son-in-law
exocentric compounds none of the elements determines another, ex. pickpocket, wagtail, foxglove, make-up
appositional compounds both elements contribute to the meaning, ex. boyfriend, maidservant, womandoctor
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