Drugs & Alcohol


Palm Cards for the health test on drugs and alcohol in term 1 2018
Bella MacGregor
Flashcards by Bella MacGregor, updated more than 1 year ago
Bella MacGregor
Created by Bella MacGregor almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Standard Drink 10 mL of pure alcohol = 1 shot = 1 beer = 1 glass of wine
What is a Drug? A drug is any substance (other than food or water) that when taken in can alter the body's perception of things, either physically, psychologically, or emotionally.
What is a Psychoactive Drug? A psychoactive drug is a type of drug that can affect the central nervous system and alter a person's mood, thinking, and behaviour.
What are the Psychoactive Drug Categories? Stimulant Depressant Hallucinogen Multi-Action
Stimulant Drugs that increase the body's state of arousal by increasing the activity of the brain.
Depressant Drugs that decrease alertness by slowing down the activity of the central nervous system
Hallucinogen Drugs that alter perception & can cause hallucinations, such as seeing or hearing something that is not there.
Multi-Action Drugs that have properties from more than one category
Polydrug Use Taking two or more drugs at one time
Addiction A condition that occurs when a person needs to take drugs to survive from day to day; also called dependence
Dependance A condition that occurs when a person needs to take drugs to survive from day to day; also called addiction
Tolerance Can occur when a person takes a drug regularly over a period of time. Their body becomes used to the drug and they need to take more of the drug to feel the same or similar effect.
Withdrawal The unpleasant symptoms a person experiences when they stop using a drug they’re dependent on.
The 4-L Model Liver- Physical, psychological, and emotional health problems Lover- Relationships with family and friends Livelihood- Work, school, money, sport, recreational, and social issues Law/Legal- Legal problems (such as fines)
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