
Computer Science - Theory (IDE's)
Leon Snailham
Flashcards by Leon Snailham, updated more than 1 year ago
Leon Snailham
Created by Leon Snailham over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Code editor The code editor is the main part of an IDE, its where the code is written. Most code editors will have line numbering and auto colouring for things like strings, functions, loops and auto complete.
Output window The output window will show the output from a program with it is ran.
Breakpoints Breakpoints are common debugging tools. They stop the program on certain lines so you can gather information like: the value of variables as the program is running
Error diagnostics Error diagnostics and debugging tools help to find and fix errors in a program - they will tell you the location of the error and often suggest ways to fix it
Code editor The code editor is the main part of an IDE, its where the code is written. Most code editors will have line numbering and auto colouring for things like strings, functions, loops, variables and comments. Good code editors will also have other automatic features like auto correct, auto indentation and auto complete.
Features Features to keep track of the line number and character number that you're working on
Run-time environment A run-time environment allows the code to be run quickly within the IDE - this is done using a start or run button. The run-time environment can also help to identify logic errors in the program as the programmer can see which part of the code is running when the error occurs.
Explorer window An explorer window will help navigate through programs
Some common features of an IDE translator, auto documentation and GUI
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