Bolshevik rule, March 1918 - January 1924


The main events of Bolshevik rule in their first six years
Izzy Noone
Flashcards by Izzy Noone, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Created by Izzy Noone almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When was State Capitalism replaced? Spring 1918
What was State Capitalism replaced with? War Communism
When did White forces assemble against the Communists? May 1918
What happened in June 1918? Communist forces in Ekaterinburg execute the Tsar and his family.
Why was the Tsar executed? They were afraid that the Tsar and his family would fall into the hands of the approaching Czech legion
What did the left SRs do in July 1918? They attempted seizing power in Moscow.
What was the result of the SRs attempt to seize power in Moscow? They assassinated 2 Bolshevik leaders and make an attempt on Lenin's life.
Why did the Red Terror start? It started as a result of the attempt to kill Lenin.
What was Lenin's Hanging Order? A telegram sent by Lenin to Penza in August 1918 instructing the Bolsheviks to hang 100 kulaks in public and to publish their names. It was done to discourage grain hoarding and as part of the ongoing process of class war.
Give an example from the telegram that shows Lenin's brutality in dealing with the situation. "Do it in such a fashion that for hundreds of kilometres around the people might see, tremble, know, shout: "they are strangling, and will strangle to death, the bloodsucking kulaks"
When was the Politburo created? 1919
When was the first meeting of the Comintern? Early 1919
Describe the events of Summer 1919 during the Civil War Denikin's Southern Volunteer Army beseiged Tsaritsyn but it is defended by Stalin. Denikin launches a second offensive that comes within 320km of Moscow until the Reds counter-attacked. Denikin's forces were then pushed back to the Crimea
When did Yudenich''s forces reach the outskirts of Petrograd before being pushed back? October 1919
What did the early 1920s mark? The defeat of the last white armies. The British government calls off intervention in Russia and agrees to make trade deals.
Who did the Polish leader, Pilsudski, make an alliance with in April 1920? Ukrainian military leader Symon Petliura
When was Kiev occupied? May- after the Pilsudski-Petliura alliance launched an offensive
When was the Second meeting of the Comintern? July-August 1920
What did Lenin instruct in the Second Comintern meeting? Instructed foreign communist to abide by his 21 conditions in order to ensure they follow the Soviet model.
When/who did the Red Army counter-attack in August 1920? They drove the Polish army out of the Ukraine .
When the Red Army was on the outskirts of Warsaw, what did Lenin believe would happen? He is convinced that the Polish workers would rise up in support.
Describe the Tambov peasant uprising. 1920-21 7000-strong peasant army rises up against government forces in protest at the requisitioning of grain. Revolt is eventually suppressed by 100,000 Red Army troops.
How many peasant revolts in opposition to War Communism had been reported by the Cheka by February 1921? 155
Describe the Kronstadt rising March 1921. 30,000 sailors at the Kronstadt naval base mutiny. They demand an end to Communist rule. Revolt is crushed by the Red Army. Ringleaders were shot, 15,000 sailors were arrested and most sent to labour camps.
What was the Workers Opposition group? Set up in March 1921. It was a faction within the communist party. They demanded free trade unions.
When and where did Lenin set up the NEP? March 1921 at the 10th Party Congress
When did hopes of communist revolutions in other countries begin to fade? Summer 1921 during the third meeting of the Comintern
When were the Menshevik and SR organisations banned? 1921
What happened to many Mensheviks? Thousands were arrested
What was the importance of the Anglo-Soviet agreement Established a more positive relationship with Britain.
What was the importance of the Treaty of Rapallo? Re-established diplomatic relations with Germany and started a new era of cooperation
When was the Tambov rebelion eventually repressed? 1922
What did the Tambov rebellion illustrate about the Red Army? The brutality of the army was illustrated because they destroyed whole villages and poison gas was used against rebels hiding in the forest.
When were the first show trials? 1922
What was the result of the show trials? 11 SRs executed after being found guilty of counter-revolutionary activity and attempts to assassinate Lenin
What was the pre-publication censorship introduced in 1922 named? GLAVIT
What was the Nomenklatura system? A system whereby influential posts in government and industry were filled by Party appointees. Introduced in 1923.
When was the Scissors Crisis? 1923
What was the Scissors Crisis? Like the blades of a pair of open scissors, the prices of industrial and agricultural goods diverged, reaching a peak in October 1923 where industrial prices were 276% of their 1913 levels, while agricultural prices were only 89%.
What was the result of the crisis? This meant that peasants' incomes fell, and it became difficult for them to buy manufactured goods. As a result, peasants began to stop selling their produce and revert to subsistence farming, leading to fears of a famine.
What was the Curzon ultimatum? Lord Curzon's ultimatum in 1924 where he threatened to cancel the Anglo-Soviet trade agreement unless the Soviets abandon their anti-British activities in India, Persia, and Afghanistan
What was the Zinoviev Letter? A letter sent in 1924, supposedly from the Comintern, instructing the British Communist party to distribute propaganda in the British Army. It was actually a forgery.
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