

WOW it is Math
Taba Pearce
Flashcards by Taba Pearce, updated more than 1 year ago
Taba Pearce
Created by Taba Pearce almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How do you find the Exterior Angle given an Central Angle Exterior Angle = Central Angle
How do you find the Interior Angle given an Central Angle 180 - Central Angle
How do you find the Sum of Interior Angles given an Central Angle 360/Central Angle = n 180(n-2)
How do you find the Number of Sides given an Central Angle 360/Central Angle
How do you find the Central Angle given an Exterior Angle Central Angle = Exterior Angle
How do you find the Interior Angle given an Exterior Angle 180 - Exterior Angle
How do you find the Sum of Interior Angles given an Exterior Angle 360/Exterior Angle = n 180(n-2)
How do you find the Number of Sides given an Exterior Angle 360/Exterior Angle
How do you find the Exterior Angle given an Interior Angle 180-Interior Angle
How do you find the Central Angle given an Interior Angle 180-Interior Angle
How do you find the Sum of Interior Angles given an Interior Angle 180-Interior Angle=x 360/x=n 180(n-2)
How do you find the Number of Sides given an Interior Angle 180-Interior Angle=x 360/x
How do you find the Exterior Angle given an Number of Sides 360/Number of sides
How do you find the Central Angle given an Number of Sides 360/Number of sides
How do you find the Interior Angle given an Number of Sides 360/Number of sides=y 180-y
How do you find the Sum of Interior Angles given an Number of Sides 180(n-2)
How do you find the Exterior Angle given an Sum of Interior Sum of Interior/180 + 2 = n 360/n
How do you find the Central Angle given an Sum of Interior Sum of Interior/180 + 2 = n 360/n
How do you find the Interior Angle given an Sum of Interior Sum of Interior/180 + 2 = n Sum of Interior/n
How do you find the Number of Sides given an Sum of Interior Sum of Interior/180 + 2 = n
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