Religious Studies-Christianity-Beliefs and teachings


Year 10 Religious Studies Flashcards on Religious Studies-Christianity-Beliefs and teachings, created by Toby Mulcahy on 05/06/2018.
Toby Mulcahy
Flashcards by Toby Mulcahy, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ruth Samworth
Created by Ruth Samworth almost 8 years ago
Toby Mulcahy
Copied by Toby Mulcahy over 6 years ago
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Question Answer
Nature Of God Nature Of God-omnipotent= God is all powerful. Influence-Christians believe nothing can defeat god and they put all their trust in God. Shown in-(Genesis 1) miracles of Jesus/resurrection/creation of the world.
Inconsistant Traid Inconsistent Triad- If God is omnipotent,omniscient and omnibenlovent, why does suffering still exist? Influence- Some suffering is caused by free will (Moral evil). Free will is the choice to do good by the teaching of Jesus. Shown in- The Parable of the good Samaritan.
Origins of the world Origins of the world-e.g creationism is where god made the world according to the story in genesis. Humans were given a role. Influence-Christians believe they should care for the environment;Stewardship. Shown in-Apostles Creed "In the beginning was the Word" (genesis 1.1-3)
Trinity Trinity-God is made up of three parts (persons);god the father,the son and the holy spirit. Influence-Christians can relate to god in a personal way and understand God more since Jesus was human. Shown in- The Apostles Creed.
Incarnation Incarnation-e.g Jesus in Human form. Influence- Christians to try and follow the example of Jesus to show Gods love to all people. Shown in-(John 1;14) "The word became flesh and lived among us."
Crucifixtion Crucifixion-e.g Jesus was innocent and put to death as an act of atonement. Influence- Christians believe Jesus Sacrificed his life to pay for the consequences of sin so that Humans could enter heaven and build a relationship with God again. Shown in- Apostles Creed/All four Gospel Accounts.
Resureection Resurrection-three days after death, Jesus came back to Life. Influence-God is omnipotent and can conquer death. Shown-Apostles Creed "On the third day he rose again" Also in all four Gospel accounts.
Ascension Ascension-Jesus returned to heaven. Influence- Jesus was God's son and is now with God in heaven. Shown in-Apostles Creed "He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right of the Father" Acts 1.
Atonement Atonement-Jesus died willingly to allow Gods will to happen and reconcile humans to God. Influence-Follow the example of Jesus to follow Gods law/will and showing Gods love for others. Shown in-(John 3;16)"For God so loved the world that He gave his only son,that whoever believes him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Salvation. Salvation- E.g Salvation by Grace. Influence- To believe in Jesus and try to follow his example of showing Gods Love to all. Shown in-(John 3;16)"For God so loved the world that He gave his only son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Afterlife Afterlife-e.g all humans have a soul that is immortal (cannot die). Influence-Death is not the end and Christians believe that will see their loved ones again in heaven with God and Jesus. Shown in-Apostles Creed "I believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting."
Sin Sin-e.g all humans have original sin,the ability to choose wrong. The consequence of this sin is separation from God. Influence-To believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus as an act of salvation. Shown in- Genesis the story of the Fall. (Adam and Eve).
Judgement Judgement-After death the will be judgement on the actions people made. Influence-Christians believe they should act to show Gods love to all people. Shown in-Jesus' parable of the sheep and Goats "Do others what you would have them do to you."
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