Drying the Organic Product + redistillation


Flashcards on Drying the Organic Product + redistillation, created by josephw weetch on 09/06/2018.
josephw weetch
Flashcards by josephw weetch, updated more than 1 year ago
josephw weetch
Created by josephw weetch over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why is this necessary? Because there may still be some water left in the organic product.
What is a drying agent? An anhydrous inorganic salt that readily takes up water to become hydrated
Drying agent for drying hydrocarbons? CaCl2
General drying agents CaSO4 MgSO4
Step 1. Add organic liquid to a conical flask.
Step 2. Using a spatula add some of the drying agent to the liquid and gently swirl the contents to mix together.
Step 3. Place a stopper on the flask to prevent product from evaporating away. Leave for 10 minutes.
Step 4. If solid has clumped, then there is still some water present. Add more drying agent until solid is dispersed in solution as a fine powder.
If liquid is clear upon decanting what does this indicate? That the liquid is dry
When is redistillation necessary? If organic liquids have bpt similar then sample may still contain some organic impurities.
Step 1. Clean out distillation apparatus and set up to carry out a second distillation
Step 2. Carry out second distillation, using a narrow boiling range that matches the boiling point of the compound of interest.
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