1.1 Connection-oriented vs. Connectionless


CompTIA N+ Flashcards on 1.1 Connection-oriented vs. Connectionless, created by Edvin Milkunic on 01/07/2018.
Edvin Milkunic
Flashcards by Edvin Milkunic, updated more than 1 year ago
Edvin Milkunic
Created by Edvin Milkunic over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Connectionless - UDP is connectionless TCP/IP protocol - works at the OSI Transport layer - does not guarantee delivery by first connecting and checking whether data is received. - Used for broadcasting, such as streaming video or sound over the web, where guaranteed delivery is not as important as fast transmission. - UDP is also used to monitor network traffic.
Connection-oriented In networking, a TCP/IP protocol that confirms a good connection has been made before transmitting data to the other end, verifies data was received, and resends it if it is not. An example of a connection-oriented protocol is TCP.
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