Unit 3


Kade Macdonald
Flashcards by Kade Macdonald, updated more than 1 year ago
Kade Macdonald
Created by Kade Macdonald about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Baptism A sacrament through which a person is received into the Church. The candidate is bathed in water or has water poured on their head as a sign of death to sin and rising to new life.
Charity A grace which enables people to love as Jesus loves. It empowers a person to love God for God’s sake and other people for God’s sake.
Confirmation A sacrament in which candidates are anointed by a bishop, who calls on the Holy Spirit to come upon them in order to strengthen their faith.
Courage Ability to rise above personal challenges and fears, even in the face of death
Decalogue Another name for the Ten Commandments
Detraction To repeat something that, while true, damages another person’s right to a good reputation.
Emotions Feelings that motivate people to behave in certain ways.
Grace The free gift of the presence and action of God in the world and the lives of believers.
Knowledge Ability to come to know God better and to learn new lessons from experiences of God
Love To will the good for another – St Thomas Aquinas
Reverence Ability to keep growing in respect for God and the things of God
Right Judgment Ability to judge the true value of everything
Sacrament A visible and effective sign of the invisible reality of God’s grace.
Scriptures The revealed word of God written in human words under the process of inspiration.
Ten Commandments Rules for human conduct given to Moses on Mt Sinai which summarise all of God’s laws.
Two Great Commandments The two laws given by Jesus to love God and to love others.
Understanding Ability to understand, like Jesus, the meaning of God’s actions
Will A person’s ability to control their actions in order to do what is in the best interests of themselves and others.
Wisdom Ability to see the good in everything God does
Wonder and Awe Ability to keep returning love to God for all God’s gifts
Absolution Forgiveness of a confessed sin by Jesus operating through the priest
Anointing the Sick A sacrament of healing given to people who are seriously ill or in danger of dying in order to provide spiritual healing and bring them closer to God.
Confession Owning up honestly about sins committed, accepting responsibility for them.
Contrition Genuine sorrow for sins, with the firm resolve not to commit them again.
Eucharist The sacrament by which believers share in the Paschal mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection by receiving his Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine.
Examination of Conscience A process of reflecting on one’s own thoughts, words and action in light of God’s law in order to develop the power to love as a Christian.
Grace The free gift of the presence and action of God in the world and the lives of believers.
Last Rites The three sacraments which together prepare a person to pass from this world to God, these are Reconciliation, Anointing and Holy Communion
Penance An action given by the priest to a person who has confessed their sins in the rite of Reconciliation as part of the element of Satisfaction.
Resurrection The event where Jesus overcame the power of death by God’s saving power.
Sacrament A visible and effective sign of the invisible reality of God’s grace.
Sacrament of Penance (also called Reconciliation) The sacrament which brings about healing, forgiveness and reconciliation with God, with the Church and with the human community.
Satisfaction Doing whatever is possible to repair harm or offence caused by a sin, this has two parts: the penance and the Prayer of Sorrow.
Viaticum Literally ‘provision for the journey’, this is the Holy Communion received as part of the Last Rites.
Courage To be able to rise personal challenges and fears, even in the face od death.
Reverence To be able to keep growing in awarness.
Knowledge To be able to understand, as Jesus does.
Understanding To be able to understand as Jesus does.
Wisdom The ability to see everyone in every situation
Wonder and Awe To be able to keep returning love to God
Right Judgement To be able to judge the true value of everything
Freedom from original sin Power to overcome selfishness and temptations to do wrong
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