Infomation on ICT


lucasB LB27485
Flashcards by lucasB LB27485, updated more than 1 year ago
lucasB LB27485
Created by lucasB LB27485 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ISP An Internet service provider (ISP) is an organization that provides services for accessing, the internet to use web pages from around the world the extra services they provide is cloud storage whitch is free to all the costomers and a backup services incas you lose some work
(NAP) network acccess point network acccess point is where you can access other web pages useing diffrent providers to recive the infomation you need and to access your e-mails and to log on to the school VLE and you have to use network acccess point to do it
point of presence point of presence connects one place to the rest of the internet it can consist of router switchers Point of presence (POP) is the point at which two or more different networks or communication devices build a connection with each other.
FTP IP TCP FTP= file transmition protocall IP= internet protocall TCP= transmition control protocall
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