Question | Answer |
Which constellation is called "The Chained Maiden?" | Andromeda (N) - located to the NE of Pegasus and to the S of Cassiopeia. Its brightest star, Alpheratz (Alpha Andromedae), marks the northeast corner of the Great Square in Pegasus. Andromeda is one of the Greek constellations. It was named after Andromeda, the daughter of Cassiopeia and Cepheus in Greek mythology, who was chained and left for the sea monster Cetus to eat, and then saved by Perseus. Andromeda was sacrificed to Cetus to appease the gods and stop the monster from ravaging her land. Cetus was sent by the god Poseidon after Cassiopeia had boasted that she was more beautiful than the nymphs. |
Which constellation is called "The Bird of Paradise?" | Apus (S) - a southern constellation between Octans and Triangulum Australe. Apus represents a bird of paradise. The constellation’s name means “no feet” in Greek, referring to a western misconception of a bird-of-paradise as one not having feet. The constellation was created and named by the Dutch astronomer and cartographer Petrus Plancius in the late 16th century. |
Which constellation is called "The Air Pump?" | Antlia (S) - Antlia is a small, faint constellation located in the southern skies. Its name is an ancient Greek word for “the pump.” The neighboring constellations are Centaurus, Hydra, Pyxis, and Vela. Antlia is one of the constellations created by the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the 18th century. He originally named it Antlia Pneumatica, or Machine Pneumatique in French, in honour of French physicist Denis Papin’s invention, the air pump. |
Which constellation is called "The Water Bearer?" | Aquarius (Z) - large constellation located on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Capricornus and Pisces it is one of the constellations of the zodiac . Aquarius is sometimes represented as a man pouring water from a jar. Aquarius is one of the 44 Greek constellations. It is usually associated with Ganymede, the cup-carrier to the Olympian gods. In the myth, Ganymede was the son of King Tros, known for giving Troy its name. Ganymede was the most beautiful boy alive and Zeus was so infatuated with him that he took the form of an eagle and abducted the boy. In some versions of the myth, Zeus sent an eagle, represented by the constellation Aquila, to fetch Ganymede and bring him to Olympus. |
Which constellation is called "The Eagle?" | Aquila (N) - located N of Sagittarius and Capricornus, lying partly in the Milky Way. It is sometimes depicted as an eagle. The Aquila constellation is sometimes associated with the eagle that held Zeus’ thunderbolts in Greek mythology and other times with the eagle that abducted Ganymede and brought him to Olympus. |
Which constellation is called "The Altar?" | Ara (S) - a southern constellation situated between Scorpius and Triangulum Australe. Ara is associated with the altar on which the gods formed an alliance before going to war with the Titans in Greek mythology. The gods were led by Zeus and the Titans by Atlas. In honor of the gods’ victory, Zeus placed the altar in the sky. In various depictions of the constellation, the Milky Way usually represents the smoke rising from the altar. |
Which constellation is called "The Ram?" | Aries (Z) - a constellation lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Taurus and Pisces it is one of the constellations of the zodiac . Aries is identified as a winged ram with a Golden Fleece, sent by the nymph Nephele to save her son Phrixus after his father, King Athamas of Boeotia, had been given a false prophecy that he had to sacrifice his son to ward off famine. Phrixus and his sister, Helle, climbed on the ram and were carried toward the shore of the Black Sea. Helle lost her grip and fell on the way. The Greeks named the channel separating Europe and Asia the Hellerospont in her memory. The Golden Fleece was later the object of the Argonauts’ quest to Colchis. |
Which constellation is called "The Charioteer?" | Auriga (N) - The neighboring constellations are Camelopardalis, Gemini, Lynx, Perseus, and Taurus. The celestial charioteer has neither chariot nor horse. Instead, he's drawn as a man holding the reins in his right hand, with a goat on his left shoulder — the star Capella — and two baby goats in his left arm Auriga, the Charioteer, was said to have been placed in the sky by Zeus himself in honor of its inventor, Erichthonius of Athens - son of the god Hephaestus. His chariot was said to have been made in the image of the Sun god’s chariot. |
Which constellation is known as "The Herdsman?" | Boötes (N) - a northern constellation located to the SE of the Big Dipper in Ursa Major and W of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. It contains the brilliant orange star Arcturus . Boötes represents Arcas, the son of Zeus and Callisto. In the myth, Callisto’s father, King Lycaon, decides to serve Zeus his son Arcas for dinner. Seeing what Lycaon has done, Zeus kills the king’s sons and turns Lycaon into a wolf, then collects the parts of his own son and makes him whole again. Callisto, in the meantime, gets turned into a bear. When Arcas grows up, he comes face to face with his mother in the woods and does not recognize her. He starts to chase the bear and Zeus intervenes to prevent bloodshed and turns them into the constellations Ursa Major (Callisto) and Boötes (Arcas). |
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