L3 Abnormal Psychology -The externalising disorders of childhood


l Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) l Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) l Conduct Disorder (CD)
Riya Vaidya
Flashcards by Riya Vaidya, updated more than 1 year ago
Riya Vaidya
Created by Riya Vaidya almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the 3 main Externalising disorders? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) l Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) l Conduct Disorder (CD)
Why are these disorders expressed as external disorders? The difficultiesa re mainly expressed in a behavioural way, they are externally expressed opposed to internal mental disorders.
What are the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? l Symptoms must: Be pesistent over time l Be present before age 12. Even at age 7. ( age has been raised since last year) because it was foud that there was very littel difference weather children were diagnosed before age 7 or 12. Not big respondence to treatment l Occur across 2 or more settings. E.g. at school kid = trouble concentrating but at home= they are fine in regards to attnetion span. l Cause significant impairment in every day These two symptoms are symptoms of ADHD because they are symptoms that are inborn/something people they are born with and have a biological basis. Children with ADHD display age-inappropriatelevels of inattention and/or hyperactivity. functioning.
What are the 9 symptoms of inattention? Easily distracted 2. Can’t sustain attention 3. Makes lots of careless mistakes 4. Difficulty listening 5. Doesn’t follow through on instructions 6. Difficulty organising 7. Avoids tasks requiring attention 8. Loses things 9. Forgetful
l What are the three subtypes of ADHD?? Predominantly Inattentive l Predominantly Hyperactive l Combined
What is Predominantly Inattentive ADHD? Where children present 6 or more of the hyperactive systems or 5 or less of the innattentive systems.
What is the l Predominantly Hyperactive type of ADHD? Where children presesnt with 6 or more of the hyperactive symptoms or 5 or less of the innatentive systems.
What is combined type of ADHD? Children present with 6 of the hyperactive systems and 6 of the inttentive systems.
When do inattentive systems become unmasked? Inattentive systems become unmasked when kids start school and have more demands to concentrate and listen to what they are being told.
When is Combined ADHD is usually found? Combined ADHD is usually found in children who just start school.
In young ages children make criteria in hyper active stage, where they don't have any demands any inattentive symptoms they may have aren't usually detected. So.... when they start going to school they need to start paying attention for longer periods of time usually when inattentive systems become unmasked.
Adolescence Might have some symptoms of hyperactivity, figity or restless not running around as mucha s they used to so meet the criteria more for inattentive ADHD.
l What causes ADHD?? It is a biologically based disorder, (its not caused by parenting or food additives.)
What are the hereditory rates of ADHD and who is mroe likely to get ADHD boys or girls? 60-80%. Boys.
What is ADHD linked to in terms of hereditary and genetics? Genes that code for dopomine, DRD 4 receptor and DRD 5 receptor. Also a Gene that is involved with coding for the re-uptake of dopamine.
What else is ADHD caused by apart from heredity. Linked to environmental causes during gestation which could affect brain development. E.g. smoking during pregnacy.
Who far behind are children with ADHD in terms of brain development relative to children without ADHD and which part of the brain in particular is hindered in development? One third behind in their development relative to children who don't have ADHD, particularly in regions of their pre-frontal cortex.
What is one of the big theories in terms of ADHD and neurological functioning? Deficits in executive functioning they find it difficult to control their behaviour.
What troubles do children with ADHD have? Language, motor control, tend to go after smaller instintaneous rewards rather than rewards down the track.
How do we treat ADHD ? Medically and Behaviour modification.
How do we medically treat ADHD ? Stimulant based medication. E.g. Ritilin or Methylphenadate. Meication that blokes the reuptake of dopamane in the synaptic cleft, so that there is more dopamine there
What happens to people who take Ritilin or Methylphenadate and don't have ADHD? More alert concentration improves and tend to stay awake a lot longer. Truck drivers tend to take it for long haul drives.
What happens when children with ADHD take this medication? Helps with alertness, concentration and it also helps them reduce their impulses and reduces their hyperactive or over active behaviour.
What happens when ADHD children stop taking medication? Symptoms re-emrge again.
How does behaviour modification help treat ADHD? Make the environment that the chidl is in a lot more exciting and rewarding too. E.g. Homework, rather than doing all at once they can do it in smaller chunks and ger a reward after they complete each chunk of homework.
Treatments must be maintains over time. As soon as the environment changes symptoms will re-emerge again. -
What will many with ADHD also have? Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Conduct Disorder (CD)
WHat does Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) have troubles with? Difficulties with controlling and regulating emotion. Low frustrastion tolerance, stubborn. Find it hard to calm themselves down, spiteful vindictve.
What are the two main causes Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)? Biological risk factors and the environent.
What are some biological risk factors? Children who are difficult to sooth, babies that cry and don't settle down for long periods time after parents trying to sooth their child.
What is the interaction between difficult to soothe temperament and parent child interactions? Parents often feel frustratd with their childrens temper outbirtsts and end up giving in to their child. This is rewarding to the child for behaving badly, making outbursts to occur later on. Parent can get into a trap. Usually found in parent who have a low parent child interaction.
How do we treat ODD and what does the treatment involve? Behaviour management. It involves educating the parents about what they are doing is inadvertently reinforcing th eODD beviours. Helping parents to reinforce positive behviours. Teaching the child ways that they can relax breathing excercising, muscle relaxation. Problem solving strategies.
How does parent child interation therapy work? Similar to behaviour therapy using same behaviour principles, looking at parents behaviour aswell. Children with ODD tend to have trouble with regulating their own emotions, setting ODD examples too. Teaching parent some of these strategies.
What is conduct disorder? Aggression toward people and animals (e.g., mugging, fighting, using a weapon, torturing animals). l Destruction of property (e.g., fire setting). l Deceitfulness or theft (e.g., breaking in, conning, shop lifting). l Serious violations of rules (e.g., truant, running away).
What is CO caused by? Difficulty with being able to control your emotion and regulate your emotion and also parenting practices e.g. inconsistent or severe punishments, sexual, physical abuse, drug use or mental illness within the family. Children with CO often are surrounded by lots of complex negative behaviour.
What causes CD?? 1. Temperament 2. Parenting practices 3. Peer groups 4. Past antisocial behaviour
How do Parenting practices cause CO? Parenting practices e.g. inconsistent or severe punishments, sexual, physical abuse, drug use or mental illness within the family. Children with CO often are surrounded by lots of complex negative behaviour.
How do peer groups cause CO? Peers become more important in adolescence (normal) for how they reference themselves in the world so peer groups have a big influence on what an adolescence is doing
Someone who has a history of these anti-social conduct disorders in combination with peer groups encouraging that behaviour is the biggest predictor of predicting oppositional behaviours. Because CO arises out of complex interactions the treatment is focused on thise aswell, intensive work with family and new group of peers may have to change.
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