Created by Sabrina Groenig
over 6 years ago
Question | Answer |
adenoma aden/o/ma | tumor of a gland |
adenitis aden/itis | inflammation of a gland |
arthritis arthr/itis | inflammation of a joint |
biology bi/o/logy | the study of life |
biopsy bi/o/psy | Sample of living tissue |
carcinoma carcin/oma | cancerous tumor |
cardiology cardi/o/logy | study of the heart |
cephalic cephal/ic | pertaining to the head |
cerebral cerebr/al | pertaining to the cerebrum |
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) cerebr/o/vascul/ar | pertaining to the blood vessels of the cerebrum (commonly known as a stroke) |
cytology cyt/o/logy | study of the cell |
dermal derm/al | pertaining to the skin |
dermatitis dermat/itis | inflammation of the skin |
electrocardiogram (ECG) electr/o/cardi/o/gram | record of electricity in the heart |
electroencephalogram (EEG) electr/o/encephal/o/gram | record of the electricity in the brain |
enteritis enter/itis | inflammation of the small intestine |
erythrocyte erythr/o/cyte | red blood cell |
gastroscopy gastr/o/scopy | visual examination of the stomach |
diagnosis dia/gno/sis | Complete knowledge of a patient's condition |
prognosis pro/gno/sis | prediction that forcasts the outcome of a treatment |
gynecology gynec/o/logy | the study of women |
hemoglobin hem/o/globin | protein in red blood cells |
hematoma hemat/oma | mass of blood under the skin (commonly known as a bruise) |
hepatitis hepat/itis | inflammation of the liver |
laparotomy lapar/o/tomy | incision into the abdomen |
leukocyte leuk/o/cyte | white blood cell |
nephrectomy nephr/ectomy | removal of the kidney |
neurology neur/o/logy | the stody of nerves |
oncologist | physician specializing in the study and treatment of cancer tumors |
pathologist pat/o/logist | medical doctor who views biopsy samples to make a diagnosis & examines dead bodies |
autopsy aut/opsy | to see for oneself what caused the patient's death |
psychosis psych/osis | abnormal condition of the mind |
renal ren/al | pertaining to the kidney |
rhinitis rhin/itis | inflammation of the nose |
sarcoma sarc/oma | cancerous tumor of the flesh |
thrombocyte thromb/o/cyte | (platelet) a small cell that helps the blood to clot |
thrombosis thromb/osis | the condition of forming a blood clot |
neural neur/al | pertaining to the nerves |
arthralgia arthr/algia | pain in the joint |
gastrectomy gastr/ectomy | removal of the stomach |
leukemia leuk/emia | increase in cancerous white blood cells |
arthrogram arthr/o/gram | x-ray record of a joint |
neuralgia neur/algia | nerve pain |
gastric gastr/ic | pertaining to the stomach |
hyperthyroidism hyper/thyroid/ism | excessive activity of the thyroid |
gastroenteritis gastr/o/enter/itis | inflammation of the stomach and intestines |
neurologist neur/o/logist | physician that specializes in diagnosis and treatment of nervous disorders |
nephrology nephr/o/logy | study of the kidney |
hepatoma hepat/oma | cancerous tumor of the liver |
nephrosis nephr/osis | abnormal condition of the kidney |
leukocytosis leuk/o/cyt/osis | increase in white blood cells as a response to infection |
Cardiology Cardi/o/logy | study of the heart |
Dermatology Dermat/o/logy | study of skin |
Endocrinology end/o/crin/o/logy | study of the endocrine glands |
Gastroenterology gastr/o/enter/o/logy | Study of the stomach and intestines |
Hematology Hemat/o/logy | Study of the blood |
Oncology Onc/o/logy | study of tumors (cancerous or malignant diseases) |
Ophthalmology ophthalm/o/logy | Study of the eye |
Pathology path/o/logy | study of disease |
Psychology psych/o/logy | Study of the mind and mental disorders |
Rheumatology Rheumat/o/logy | study of joint diseases |
Urology Ur/o/logy | Study of the urinary tract |
gastroscope gastr/o/scope | instrument to examine the stomach |
laparoscope lapar/o/scope | instrument to examine the abdomen |
laparoscopy lapar/o/scopy | process to visually examine the abdomen |
arthroscopy arthr/o/scopy | process to visually examine a joint |
neurotomy neur/o/tomy | removal of nerves |
anemia an/emia | a decrease in red blood cells or hemoglobin |
diameter dia/meter | a measurement that passes through |
dysentery dys/entery | painful intestines |
endocrine glands end/o/crine glands | glands that secrete fluids within the body |
endocardium end/o/cardi/um | lining inside the heart valves and chambers |
exocrine glands exo/crine glands | glands that secrete fluids outside of the body |
hyperglycemia hyper/glyc/emia | excessive sugar in the blood |
hypoglycemia hypo/glyc/emia | low blood sugar |
pericardium peri/cardi/um | tissue surrounding the outside of the heart |
prostate gland pro/state gland | gland that stands in front of the bladder in males |
resection re/section | to remove some or all of an organ by cutting back or away |
retrogastric retro/gastr/ic | pertaining to behind the stomach |
subhepatic sub/hepat/ic | pertaining to below the liver |
transdermal trans/derm/al | pertaining to across the skin |
transurethral trans/urethr/al | pertaining to through the urethra |
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