classification of skills


different skills
Libby Cashmore-Clifton
Flashcards by Libby Cashmore-Clifton, updated more than 1 year ago
Libby Cashmore-Clifton
Created by Libby Cashmore-Clifton over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Basic skills - Simple to perform. -Little concentration. - Simple movements. - Jumping in netball.
Complex skills - Difficult to learn. - High level of concentration. - Complicated subroutines. - Gymnastics somersault.
Open skill - Affected by the environment. - Pace of the ball. - Weather - Distance -Football
Closed skill - Predictable environment. - No variation. - Unaffected by the environment. -Practice skill. - Golf swing. gymnastics routine.
Low organised skill - Can be broken down. - Practices individually. - Low concentration. - chest pass.
High organised skill - Hard to break down. - Fast execution. - High concentration needed. - Golf swing, full twist.
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