Protist, Plants, and Animals


BIO 182
Flashcards by danae.hollweg, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by danae.hollweg about 10 years ago

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Eukarya 3rd Domain on tree of life, range from single celled organisms to multicellular
Paraphyletic Group represent some but not all of descendants of single common ancestor
Protists 3 Major Things 1) diverse morphologically 2) diverse in how get food 3) diverse in reproduction
algae blooms toxin producing protist reach high densities in aquatic environment
Red Tides caused by blooms of harmful dinoflagellates
symbiosis when individuals of two different species live in physical contact
endosymbiosis organism lives in another organism
Pseudopodia flexible membrane and dynamic cytoskeleton with ability to surround and swallow prey
Absortive Feeding occurs when nutrients are taken up directly from environment across plasma membrane
chloroplast organelle for photosynthesis
amoeboid motion sliding movement performed by streaming cytoplasm into pseudopodia
cilia and flagella microtubules
Green Plants 3 categories 1) nonvascular 2) seedless vascular 3) seed plants
gymnosperms produce seeds that do not develop in enclosed structure "naked"
angiosperms seeds develop inside protective structure called carpel
gametophyte multicellular HAPLOID that makes gametes
sporophyte multicellular DIPLOID structure that makes spores
ecosystem all organisms in a particular area along with physical components of environments
Cuticle waxy, watertight sealant that covers above ground parts of plants ***Critical adaptations of land plants***
Stoma (Plural stomata) gas exchange through opening or pore surrounded by guard cell ***Critical adaptations of land plants***
vascular tissue allowed early plants to support erect stems and transport water from roots to stems to leaves
tracheids increase surface area on a slant between two cells for diffusion
Vessel Elements specialized vascular tissue (found in gnetophytes and angiosperms)
lignin -structural polymer built with six carbon rings -strengthens cell walls -enables verticality
Alteration of Generations 5 Key Events 1) Haploid gametophytes produce haploid gametes by mitosis 2) 2 gametes unite during fertilization -> zygote 3) zygote divides, mitosis, diploid sporophyte 4) sporophyte making spores 5) sporophyte divide by meiosis
gametangia makes and protects gametes
antheridium sperm-producing
archegonium egg producing
Embryophytes Land Plants
homosporous produce single spore that develops into bisexual gametophyte that produces egg/sperm
Heterospory production of 2 different types of spore producing structures and thus 2 distinct types of spore (male and female)
Microsporangia microspores --> male gametophyte--> sperm
Megasporangia megaspore --> female gametophyte --> eggs
whorl ring of tissue
Fruit reproductive structure that is derived from ovary and encloses one or more seeds
monocots have one cotyledon (grasses) blade leaf
Dicots have two cotyledons (everything that is not grasses)
Animals can be recognized by three things 1. Multicellular 2. Heterotrophs 3. Move under own power
4 features that define animal's body plan 1. # of embryonic tissue layers 2. cephalization 3. presence/absence of coelom 4. embryo development
Epithelium layer of tightly joined cells that covers body surface
Diploblasts animals whose embryos develop from only two types of tissues, or germ layers: endoderm and ectoderm
Triploblasts animals whose embryos develop from three germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm
Symmetry? Radial
Symmetry? Bilateral
Cephalization development of head region where structures are more concentrated
Coelom fluid filled body cavity
Acoelomates no coelom
Coelomates posses coelom
hydrostatic skeleton allows soft bodied animals to move even without fins or limbs
Cleavage rapid series of mitotic divisions that forms a mass of cells in developing zygotes
Gastrulation series of cell movements that rearranges the cells to form the gut and embryonic tissue layers
Tube-within-a-tube body plan in which outer tube forms body wall and inner tube forms gut
Choanoflagellates group of protists, closest living relative to animals
Suspension Feeders (filter feeders) capture tiny bits of food by filtering out food particles that are suspended in water or air
Deposit Feeders eat their way through a substrate mouth shape is wormlike and have simple mouthparts
Fluid Feeders suck up or mop up liquids like nectar, blood or fruit juice have mouthparts that allow them to pierce structure to withdraw the fluids inside
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