Christianity I: Foundations - Themes 7-9


Made specifically for Rockhurst University course, Christianity I: Foundations.
Flashcards by badern, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by badern almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Yeshua Hebrew name for Jesus; means "God saves"; "Joshua" in English; "Iesus" in Greek and Latin, "Jésus" in French, "Jesus" in English
Adoptionism a human prophet was adopted by God as His son, that is, Jesus was a favored son of God; at that time, all men were considered "sons of God"; "raised up" doesn't necessarily mean resurrection
Doceticism Greek for "to seem as; appear"; Logos only appeared to be human; form of Gnosticism (material things are evil; knowledge saves)
soteriology study of salvation
Ignatius of Antioch combated Doceticism; said it makes God a deceiver because he is not really saving us
Eunomius student of Arius; said God took the soul out of Jesus in the womb and put in logos
salvation "union with God"
Athanasius combated Arianism and Apollonarianism saying "That which is not assumed (appropriated) cannot be saved."; "God became man so that man might become God"
sin separation from God
Apollonarianism said that Jesus didn't have a soul because he was without sin; Logos is God; Jesus is fully God, not fully human
Arianism Jesus was neither human nor divine; God created Logos in a soulless human body
Nestorianism believed that Jesus had 2 natures (human & divine) in 2 persons (Jesus & Logos)
Theophoros Greek for "God bearer (carrier)"
hypostatic union "subsistence (manner of existence) union"; Jesus was 1 person with 2 natures (human & divine)
Messiah "the Anointed One"
Christ Greek for "Messiah"
mesites Greek for "middle party; middle man"
methorian Greek for "midway point; bridge; boundary"
apokatallasso Greek for "reconciliation"
principle of participation if anything participates in the reality of another, then it is raised to a higher level and shares in its properties
theosis Greek term saying that God's Divine Energies transform us to share in God's glory and become partaker in the Divine Nature
deification the mystery of sharing in God's nature
Monotheletism "one will"; Jesus only had one will (God's will)
Monophysitism "one nature"; Jesus starts as both fully human and fully divine, but ends as only fully divine
Communication of Idioms the human and divine natures communicate in concert
Leo of Rome wrote "Leo's tome" which talks about the communication of idioms
Gregory of Nyssa used a model consciousness ("with knowledge") as Jesus grows, his human consciousness grows and comes to know God's consciousness within himself; said "As I use my own free choice, I become my own father and mother" (self-actualization)
Gregory of Nazianzus said God had an experiential knowledge of love through the Incarnation
exultet "O happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam that gained for us a redeemer"; Latin view
Anselm asked "Cur Deus homo?" ("Why did God become man?"); said we are in the debt of sin and atonement is needed
divinization the process of Theosis; the image of God is the "being" and the likeness of God is the "doing"
authority "exousia" ("out of being"); an internal source
power dynamic; an external source
free choice "aut exousia" ("self authority"); allows us to be in the image of God; allows for authentic love between us and God
self-actualization "aut éxousia" (self out of being); we can fashion ourselves
predestination there is a place/goal set by God, i.e. heaven; we still have free choice
predetermination God has determined everything, i.e. who is going to heaven, and who is going to hell; we do not have free choice
myth a natural means of perception
Church "ekklesia" ("called out of" the world to assemble)
catholic "universal; worldwide"
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