Chapter 2: The Genetic and Evolutionary Roots of Behavior


Flashcards on Chapter 2: The Genetic and Evolutionary Roots of Behavior, created by feelingthepayne on 10/11/2014.
Flashcards by feelingthepayne, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by feelingthepayne almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cell types 1) Red blood cells 2)Goblet cells - found in the lining of the small intestine, manufacture granules of a protein called mucigen. Component of the mucus that lubricates the intestine 3)Rod cells - which serve as light detectors in the eye, contain a protein called rhodopsin that absorbs light
Gene composition 1)Skin 2)Skin made of loads of cells 3)Each cell contains a nucleus 4)Each human nucleus contains 46 chromosomes (carry instructions for how to build and operate a body.)
Chromosome composition 1) Chromosomes are made up of coiled strands of DNA 2) The DNA Molecule has a double helix shape 3) the rungs of the double helix are made up of complimentary chains of adenine (A) & thymine (T), and guanine (G) & cystosine (C)
How many possible combinations of chromosomes are there? More than 8 million
Homozygous if the paired genes are identical, we say the individual is homozygous for that gene
Heterozygous If the two genes are different, the individual is _____ for the gene
Allele an alternative form of a specific gene; a variation
codominant alleles a relationship in which both genes in a pair affect the phenotype. A common example is blood type: if the person inherits the allele favoring blood type A from and parent and B from the other parent, the person will end up having type AB
incomplete dominance of alleles a person with 2 different alleles will have a phenotype that's intermediate between the types favored by each allele on its own
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