Reptiles and Amphibians Lab Exam


Environmental Studies Flashcards on Reptiles and Amphibians Lab Exam, created by Megan Steblay on 26/11/2018.
Megan Steblay
Flashcards by Megan Steblay, updated more than 1 year ago
Megan Steblay
Created by Megan Steblay about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Northern Leopard Frog: Burnsi
Northern Leopard Frog: Kandiyohi
Northern Leopard Frog
Pickerel Frog
Wood Frog
Green Frog
American Bullfrog
Mink Frog
Gray Treefrog
Cope's Gray Treefrog
Spring Peeper
Boreal Chorus Frog
Blanchard's Cricket Frog
Canadian Toad
American Toad
Great Plains Toad
Plains Spadefoot
Tiger Salamander
Spotted Salamander
Blue-spotted Salamander
Mole Salamander Larvae
Eastern Red-backed Salamander
Four-toed Salamander
Red-spotted Newt (eft)
Red-spotted Newt (adult)
Spiny Softshell
Smooth Softshell
Snapping Turtle
Painted Turtle
False Map Turtle
Blanding's Turtle
Wood Turtle
Prairie Skink
Common Five-lined Skink
Six-lined Racerunner
Red-sided Gartersnake
Plains Gartersnake
Lined Snake
Red-bellied Snake
Dekay's Brown Snake
Ring-necked Snake
Smooth Greensnake
North American Racer
Western Foxsnake
Common Watersnake
Plains Hog-nosed Snake
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake
Timber Rattlesnake
Legless Amphibians Gymnophiona (no MN species)
Tailed Amphibians (Salamanders and Newts) Urodela (Caudata)
Mole Salamander Family Family Ambystomatidae (Eastern Tiger S., Western Tiger S., Blue-spotted S., Spotted S.)
Lungless or Woodland Salamander Family Family Plethodontidae (Four-toed S., Eastern Red-backed S.)
Mudpuppies, Waterdogs Family Family Proteidae (Mudpuppy)
Newt Family Family Salamandridae (Eastern Newt)
Tailless Amphibians (Toads and Frogs) Anura
True or Terrestrial Frog Family Family Ranidae (Northern Leopard; Pickerel; Wood; Green; American Bullfrog; Mink)
Treefrog Family Family Hylidae (Gray; Cope's Gray; Spring Peeper; Boreal Chorus; Blanchard's Cricket)
True or Terrestrial Toad Family Bufonidae (American; Canadian; Great Plains)
Turtles and Tortoises Testudines
Softshell Family Family Trionychidae (Spiny; Smooth)
Snapping Turtle Family Family Chelydridae (Snapping Turtle)
Pond and River Turtle Family Family Emydidae (Painted; Wood; Blanding's; Northern Map; Southern Map; False Map; Pond Slider)
Musk Turtle Family Family Kinosternidae (Eastern Musk Turtle)
Lizards Squamata, Sauria
Skink Family Family Scincidae (Prairie; Common Five-lined)
Racerunners and Whiptail Family Family Teiidae (Six-lined racerunner)
Worm Lizards Squamata, Amphisbaenia (No MN species)
Snakes Squamata, Serpentes
Snakes Family Family Colubridae (All except vipers)
Pit Vipers Family Family Viperidae (Timber rattlesnake; Massasauga)
Tuataras Sphenodontida (no MN species)
Alligators and Crocodiles Crocodylia (no MN species)
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