Teachings of Jesus


Freshman / Religon / Unit 4 / January 2018
E.M. Flood
Flashcards by E.M. Flood, updated more than 1 year ago
E.M. Flood
Created by E.M. Flood over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Austere* Without access *living an austere lifestyle helps you focus on what really matters
Categorical* Unconditional & must be done *in deontology, one has a categorical duty to do what is right
Copious Abundant & plentiful
Juxtapose* The placement of 2 or more things *Parables often juxtapose unlikely things
Moral Absolutism An approach to ethics in which an action is either right or wrong on principle
Moral Relativism An approach to ethics in which an action can be right or wrong in different situations
Opaque* Difficult or impossible to understand *Good parables are opaque enough to allow for multiple interpretations
Relinquish* To release or let go of *Jesus relinquished desires for material wealth & political power in the wildnerness story
Tenet* An important principle or belief *A tenet of Christianity: first love God, & second love neighbor
Utility* The state of being useful *Utilitarianism analyzes the utility of an action when determining if something is right or wrong
What function does the temptation story serve in terms of explaining Jesus’ ministry? It explains what the KOG is not, & sets the foundation for the tone of his ministry.
Explain the connection and meaning the temptation story has to economics? The devil is tempting Jesus to use his power for his own economic gain by turning bread into stone & selling it
Explain the connection and meaning the temptation story has to political power? How does it relate to some ideas from Lewis? The devil is tempting Jesus to use his power for his own glory. This relates to C.S. Lewis' analogy about the human machine, and humans only being able to run off of God like an engine runs on oil
(Not on test) Explain the connection and meaning the temptation story has to military might? The devil is tempting Jesus to use the power of the Father's angels for military might, thus glory. However, Jesus is not a warrior messiah.
What is the Kingdom of God? A future state in which the poor & oppressed were liberated
What is the greatest commandment? Love our neighbor as we love ourselves, as well as God
Explain how “love” is ambiguous in English. It is hard to define, and we use it for many applications
What kind of love did Jesus mean when he said to love your neighbor as yourself? Unconditional love (agape)
What’s the point of loving God with all your heart? If you do, you are NOT at the center of your own universe, & are focused on others more than yourself
(Not on test) What is compassion? Extending love to everyone & then acting upon it
How do you love your enemy? Separate the action from the person. You love your enemy as a person, but not love what they did.
What are parables? What are the components of a parable? Stories that teach one a lesson; ~ Greater truths ~ Simple settings/plots ~ Use of hyperbole/juxtaposition
Explain the use of hyperbole in the parable of the Lost Sheep. Why would a shepherd leave the 99 sheep just for one?
Explain the use of juxtaposition/contrast in the parable of the Good Samaritan. Samaritans & Jews are rivals, but the Samaritan is the hero of the story
(Not on test) Did Christ preach any new brand of morality? What is the real job of every moral teacher? No; to remind us again of the same old principles
(Not on test) What does Lewis mean when he wrote, “Christianity has not, and does not profess to have, a detailed political programme for applying ‘Do as you would be done by?’” Christianity tells you what to do, but it doesn't tell you how to do it
(Not on test) Why is it silly for people to ask for a lead from the Church and expect the clergy to put out a political programme? It's asking the clergy to do a different job for, which they have not been trained
What is the curious impression a Christian society would leave on us according to Lewis? (How would we feel about its economic life and its family life?) Very socialistic, family life is old-fashioned, & aristocratic
What will you find again and again about anything that is really Christian? Everyone likes bits of it, wants to pick out those bits, & leave the rest
How do some people see charity as unnecessary? They insist that instead we ought to be producing a society in which there is no poor to give to
How much does Lewis recommend one should give to charity? More than one can spare
What sort of chain reaction needs to happen for there to be a Christian society? Be Christian, love neighbor as yourself, put God in center of life, obey God
(not on test) What does Fr. Harrington note about parables? "A parable is a form of analogy that seeks to illuminate one's reality by appealing to something better known."
How are stories more open ended than strict definitions? It allows hearers to tease out the definition for themselves. Definitions are restrictive
What does Fr. Martin mean when he says that parables can be subversive? Parables go against the expectations of the audience
(Not on test) What is a challenge for current day readers when reading parables? Understanding the humor & relatability of the stories to those who first heard them
What profound desire does Jesus reveal to people in the parable of the lost sheep? God's desire to find usHis w
(Not on test) What's another element of Jesus’ parables?” Wit/humor
What is the better phrasing when it comes to understanding parables? It would be to "enter" into the mystery of the KOG
What is the symbolic meaning of the Rich Man and KOG story? We know what to do, but that we often struggle with the "How"
What is a disordered attachment? Having your priorities out of order
What is the categorical imperative? "A duty to perform without exception"
(Not on test) Explain how determining what is right versus wrong in deontology is like doing even numbered problems in math. Explain the impact of the role of the Law of Universality. (TBD)
What is the focus of Virtue Ethics? Explain the example we used in class for that. (TBD)
(Not on test) How does VE align with Christianity? ~ VE states there are eternal (even divine) "rights"/"wrongs" that we can know ~ Divine command for what the "proper" life is
What is the correct meaning of temperance according to Lewis? Going the right length & no further
(Not on test) What is one of the marks of a certain type of bad man? He cannot give up a thing himself without wanting everyone else to give it up
Explain how temperance is not just limited to alcohol? One can be intemperate about other things, & center your life around them; going past the right length
What is the point that Lewis is making about a tennis player and a mathematician when trying to explain the difference between doing a virtue or being a virtuous person? Just as a mathematician's mind has a certain habit or outlook even when he's not doing mathematics, so does a virtuous person. A tennis player can make the occasional good shot, but that doesn't mean he's good at the sport.
What is a critique of deontology? What does one do in a situation where 2 absolute laws are against each other?
(Not on test) What is a critique of Virtue Ethics? ~ No general agreement on the virtues ~ Circular reasoning
What are some of the things that Utilitarianism leaves out of its framework? ~ No references of divine rules ~ No rigid do's or don'ts ~ No attention on the intent
How does the Principle of Utility guide someone to making the ethical decision in Utilitarianism? One chooses the action that leads to the most happiness for the most people
(Not on test) What is a critique of Utilitarianism? Doesn't help one make ethical decisions, but rather helps one justify an action as ethical after it has been committed
Where does the Social Contract Theory start? state of nature
Why do people forfeit rights as part of Social Contract Theory? for the sake of self-preservation
Do the notions of “right” or “wrong” exist within the Social Contract Theory? Explain. No, wrong & wrong do not exist. There are only actions that are socially labeled as acceptable or unacceptable.
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