81. The more difficult something is to achieve, the more people like it


Flashcards on 81. The more difficult something is to achieve, the more people like it, created by Edward Perez on 24/01/2019.
Edward Perez
Flashcards by Edward Perez, updated more than 1 year ago
Edward Perez
Created by Edward Perez about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Mental discomfort experienced by a person, holding two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values leading to a person’s belief contradicting with evidence they believe is true. Cognitive Dissonance Theory, developed by Leon Festinger, a psychologist.
If a task is difficult to do, then not many people can do it, so I must do it. Example of cognitive dissonance theory
Cognitive Dissonance Theory presented by the Dilbert comic strip.
Cited Image Source “Cognitive Dissonance and Why You're Not As Good a Teacher As You Think.” The Jose Vilson, 29 Sept. 2010, thejosevilson.com/cognitive-dissonance-and-why-youre-not-as-good-a-teacher-as-you-think/.
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