

Junior cycle physical and chemical weathering
Laura O' Sullivan
Flashcards by Laura O' Sullivan, updated more than 1 year ago
Laura O' Sullivan
Created by Laura O' Sullivan about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Bedding plane The horizontal spaces between the layers or strata in limestone rock.
Calcium carbonate A colourless or white crystalline compound, CaCO3, occurring naturally. Eg. chalk, limestone, marble.
Calcite A white of colourless mineral consisting of calcium carbonate.
Carbonation Type of chemical weathering in which limestone is broken down by the carbonic acid in rainwater.
Cavern An underground cave whose opening is also underground.
Carbonic acid A mixture of rainwater (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Chemical weathering When rocks are dissolved because of a chemical reaction e.g. carbonation.
Clint Blocks of limestone left in between grikes.
Denudation The wearing down of the Earth's surface by erosion or weathering.
Erosion The breaking down and removal of material by water, wind or ice.
Fluctuating Increasing and decreasing at an uneven rate.
Freeze-thaw action Type of mechanical weathering where rock is broken down due to water in cracks repeatedly freezing and thawing.
Grike Grooves or gaps between the limestone blocks.
Joint The long vertical crack in limestone rock.
Karst A limestone area with surface or underground features made by chemical weathering.
Limestone pavement The surface of a karst landscape.
Mechanical weathering The physical breaking up of rocks into smaller pieces by putting pressure on the rock Eg. freeze-thaw action.
Regolith Rock fragments that have broken away from solid rock through weathering and erosion.
Stalagmite Icicle-shaped structure which grows upwards from the floor of a cave , made from the deposits of calcite.
The Burren The Burren is located in Co.Clare. It is a karst region.
Scree Small pieces of rock created due to mechanical weathering.
Limestone pillar Formed when a stalactite and a stalagmite join.
Weathering The breakdown and decay of rocks by mechanical and chemical processes.
Swallow hole Holes through which rivers in limestone areas disappear underground.
Stalactite Icicle-shaped structure which grows downwards from the ceiling of a cave, made from deposits of calcite.
Limestone curtain A curtain like feature hanging from the ceiling of the cave, when calcite is deposited as droplets run horizontally across a surface.
Freeze-thaw Action
Limestone pavement
Swallow hole
Swallow hole
Limestone pillar
Limestone curtain
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