The Heating System Terminology


terminology for heating components
Andrew Adams
Flashcards by Andrew Adams, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrew Adams
Created by Andrew Adams about 6 years ago
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Question Answer
AFUE Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency: a ratio of heat generated by a heating system to the energy used
damper: HVAC Duct system a plate or louvers installed in a duct that permits control of how much air flows in a duct; may be manual or motor operated. Used to control zones in a heating system
damper: barometric a device used to control draft in an oil-fired appliance vent connector when using a masonry chimney as a vent; opens and closes based on the pressure in the vent connector.
direct exhaust appliance a fuel-burning appliance that obtains combustion air from inside the house and expels combustion outside
direct vent appliance a fuel-burning appliance that obtains combustion air from outside the house and expels combustion outside
forced draft using a fan at the beginning of a vent system to push exhaust/gasses through the vent; also 'positive pressure draft'.
induced draft pulling combustion gasses through a heat exchanger to draft up a flue; or the process of using negative pressure to pull gasses through a vent
mechanical draft a vent system the uses an electric fan to assist in expelling combustion gasses; can be either negative or positive pressure
natural draft the tendency of gasses to rise in a chimney or vent due to stack effect
stack effect hotter gasses are at a lower pressure and rise above cooler gasses
flue a vertical passage inside a chimney used to expel combustion gasses
hydronic heating a system using water or steam to distribute heat throughout the house
mainfold vent connector a vent connector in which two or more vent connectors are joined before joining the vent
combustion vent the final vertical component of a vent system
vent connector a component that conducts combustion products from an appliance to a vent
vent system the passageway that conducts combustion products from a fuel burning appliance out of the house
flue collar the draft hood or point of collection for combustible product at the fuel-burning appliance
combustion air fresh air drawn into the system for a fuel burning appliance
primary air combustion air drawn in for proper burning of fuel in the combustion chamber
dilution air air brought in to mix with vent gasses to create proper draft and cool the exhaust
net free area the opening used to draw in combustion air
standard method gas appliance drawing air from the same room as the appliance(inside): 50 cubic feet for 1000 Btu/h
inside air adjacent rooms gas appliance openings within 12 inches of ceiling and floor; 1 square inch per 1000 Btu/h
inside air different stories gas appliance one small opening measuring 2 square inches per 1000 Btu/h
combustion air same room oil furnace 50 cubic feet for 1000 Btu/h; adjacent rooms count if no door is present
inside air adjacent rooms openings oil furnace 2 openings, ceiling and floor; 1 square inch per 1000 Btu/h
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