Cytology - Open Questions


Cytology Flashcards on Cytology - Open Questions, created by Hussain Basheer on 16/03/2019.
Hussain Basheer
Flashcards by Hussain Basheer, updated more than 1 year ago
Hussain Basheer
Created by Hussain Basheer almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Based on their function, the plasma membrane proteins are classified: 1) Connecting 2) Transport 3) Transduction 4) Enzymes 5) Proteins 6) Receptors
The type of cell junctions are: 1) Tight Junction 2) Gap Junction 3) Desosomes 4) "Zipper" Interlocking
Electron microscopy shows that the nucleus consists of: 1) Granular 2) Fibrous
The main changes in the nucleus and cytoplasm during the prophase: 1) Disintegration of nuclear envelope 2) Disintegration of nucleolus 3) Formation of spindle fibres 4) Chromosomes become more clear and visible
The general membrane organelles are: 1) Lysosomes 2) Golgi Apparatus 3) Mitochondria 4) Perioxisomes 5) Rough Endoplastic Reticulum 6) Coated Vesicles
Electron microscope reveals that golgi apparatus consists mainly of: 1) Cisternae 2) Microvesicles 3) Vacoules
The main element of cytoskeletons are: 1) Microtubules 2) MIcrofilaments
The cell inclusions are: 1) Glycogen Granules 2) Lipid Droplets 3) Pigments 4) Crystals
The light microscope changes in the ageing cell are: 1) Pkyonosis 2) Karyorexis 3) Karyolysis
The types of exocrine secretions are: 1) Merocrine 2) Apocrine 3) Holocrine
The specialised organelles are: 1) Myofibril 2) Tonofibril 3) Neurofibril 4) Cilia 5) Flagella 6) Secretory Granules
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