Greek Mythology Gods and Goddesses Flashcards


Use this for the final exam.
Riley Babuik
Flashcards by Riley Babuik, updated more than 1 year ago
Riley Babuik
Created by Riley Babuik almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Maxims Statements to live by
The Three Greek Maxims - Know yourself - Nothing in excess - An Oath sworn will be your ruin(don't make promises you can't keep)
Hubris Excessive pride. The greatest sin to the Gods and Greeks
Chaos Was the beginning of everything. Gave birth to Eros, Gaea, and Tartarus
Gaea - "Mother Earth" - Gave birth to Uranus - Born from Chaos - Marries Uranus has Cyclops, Hundred-handed giants, 12 Titans - Mad at Uranus for banishing their children to Tartarus - Asks Titans(but only Kronos) to kill Uranus
Uranus - Son and wife of Gaea - Has Cyclops, Hundred-handed giants and bans them to Tartarus because they're ugly - 12 Titans are okay for him - Titan Kronos cuts him up for Gaea and lets everyone free from Tartarus - Uranus remains create sea foam which eventually creates Aphrodite
Hundred-handed Giants - A giant with 50 heads and 50 arms - Born from Gaea and Uranus - Banished and then freed from Tartarus
Kronos - One of the 12 Titans - Was sent by Gaea to kill Uranus for banishing children to Tartarus - Married his sister, Rhea - Was scared of children overtaking due to prophecy - Ate his kids - Rhea wanted kids so she asked Gaea for help. They planned to give him a rock and hide the real child - The real child is Zeus and he poisons Kronos and makes him throw up his children. They stayed alive because they are immortal - Titans and Gods go to war. Titans banished to Underworld
Cyclops - Born from Uranus AND Gaea - Have one giant eye in the middle of the forehead - Banished and then freed from Tartarus
Giants - Scary - Hairy heads and dragon-like feet - Wore shining armour and used spears for fighting
Eros - Love - Born from Chaos - Son of Aphrodite(it doesn't really make any sense)
Tartarus - Born from Chaos - Rules the deepest, darkest pit of the Underworld
Zeus - All of his siblings were eaten by Kronos as they were born -Rhea and Gaea hid him from Kronos - Grew up and poisons Kronos, he throws up children - Zeus and Gods go to war with Kronos and Titans, Titans lose and are banished to Tartarus
Hera - Is eaten, grows up, and then is vomited out by Kronos - Fights against Titans - Goddess of birth - Marries Zeus and has kids
Rhea - Marries Kronos has kids who are swallowed - Mad at Kronos for swallowing children, so she makes a plan with Gaea - Zeus is hidden from Kronos, so Rhea gives him a rock to eat and it works - Gets Zeus to poison Kronos, he vomits up children - Gods and Titans go to war
Hades - Swallowed by Kronos, grew up, and then was vomited out by Kronos - Given hat of invisibility and fights in the Gods vs Titans war
Poseidon - Swallowed by, grew up, and then vomited up by Kronos - Given the gift, Trident to control sea - Fights in war
Epimetheus - Titan - Helps his brother Prometheus with creating the earth. He gives animals their special abilities - He is jealous of his brother's abilities
Prometheus - Creates all living creatures - Feels bad for humans and gives them fire - Is a trickster -He is punished by the Gods because the humans scarificed bones instead of meat - He is forced to be tortured for the rest of his life
Hephaestus - Loyal God to Zeus - God of metalworking and the forge - Creates a trap for Prometheus
Pandora - Created to be a punishment and blessing to the humans after Prometheus' gift - She was beautiful and perfect for Prometheus' brother, Epimetheus - Epimetheus was warned not to take gift from Gods, but he did anyway - Pandora was given box, she was curious so she opened it, it had many curses to the humans
Demeter - Goddess of the harvest - Mother of Persephone - Is angry after her daughter is kidnapped so she stops every plant from growing for a short time
Persephone - Daughter of Demeter - Kidnapped by Hades - Finds out Hades isn't the worst - Loves Hades - Gods make a deal to starve Persephone and how many pomegranate seeds she eats is how many months she must stay in the Underworld - She eats six pomegranate seeds - That's why winter exists
Eros - Son of Aphrodite - Shoots arrows that make people fall in love with the first thing they see - Aphrodite is jealous of princess Psyche's beauty, so she asks Eros to trick her into falling in love with something ugly or gross - Eros accidentally makes her fall in love with him - She moves in with him, he is invisible and says that he will reveal himself soon, but she breaks his trust so he breaks up with him
Psyche - So beautiful she is envied by Aphrodite - Falls in love with Eros by his arrows - Moves into new castle - Breaks Eros' trust and is dumped
Zephyrus - Messenger for the Groom - God of the West wind - Took Psyche to Eros' castle
Aphrodite - Goddess of love, beauty, passion - Jealous of Psyche's beauty and wants to trick her - Mother of Eros
Daedalus - Mortal inventor - Cocky - Tries to make something better than axe for cutting - Nephew invents it, Daedalus takes idea and pushes Nephew off of temple in Athens - Moves from Athens to Crete and shows King Minos the invention and makes him Court Artificer - Meets Queen - Queen talks about how she thinks she's better than Aphrodite - Aphrodite curses her to fall in love with new bull King Minos was getting - Queen has Minotaur - Queen, Minotaur and Daedalus are trapped in maze (Labyrinth) that Daedalus built - Icarus convinces him to build wings -
Icarus - Son of Daedalus - Trapped in Labyrinth with his father - Wants to escape the maze so convinces father to make wings and fly out of it - It's successful and they must stay in the middle as to not melt in the sun or drown in the sea - He flies too high and dies
Minotaur - Half man, half bull - Born when the Queen falls in love with a bull because she was bragging to Aphrodite - Is trapped in a maze with Daedalus and Minotaur
Minos - King of Crete - Makes Daedalus Court Artificer for his invention - Gets cheated on by a bull - Makes Daedalus to build maze to trap Minotaur, Daedalus, Icarus and Queen
Echo - Nymph - Beautiful, tells good stories - Likes to gossip - Gossips to Aphrodite - Lies to Hera about Zeus cheating and is punished - Can only echo peoples words - Because of this, her true love Narcissus rejects her - She wishes to not be punished, so her soul is released and Narcissus is punished to fall in love with his own reflection
Narcissus - Handsome mortal man that makes women faint - Loves himself - Gets lost in woods and meets Echo, rejects her love - Is cursed by Echo to fall in love with his own reflection - Sits by his reflection so long he turns into a tree
Aegeus - King of Athens - Father of Theseus after marrying Aethra at Troezen - Has to go back to Athens to fight in war - Athens looses war - Gives Theseus gift of sword and sandals, buries it under a rock and says he can't get it until he's strong enough to move the rock - Theseus moves rock at age 17 - Theseus finds him and must do quest before meeting his father more - Theseus comes back, forgetting to change the sails on his ship to black(which means Theseus is dead), so he jumps off his castle
King Pittheus - King of Troezen - Wins war with Athens and it is burned to the ground
Aethra - Marries Aegeus in Troezen - Lives in Troezen and takes care of Theseus - Daughter of King Pittheus
50 Nephews - Nephews of Aegeus and waiting for him to die so one of them can become king
Ariadne - Daughter of King of Crete, Minos - Falls in love with Theseus - Helps him not get lost in Labyrinth by giving him yarn - Marries Theseus
Theseus - Son of Aethra and Aegeus - Is gifted sword and sandals by father - Goes on a journey from Troezen to Athens - Encounters many dangers and eliminates all of them - Is sent on a mission to kill Minotaur - Minos' daughter Ariadne helps an falls in love with him - Forgets to change sail color so his father thinks Theseus is dead and kills himself - He Marries Ariadne
Minos - King of Crete - Wants Theseus to kill Minotaur - Father of Ariadne
Corynetes - Uses a club to robs travellers that go through the woods(including Theseus) - Is defeated by Theseus
Procrustes - Offers help to Theseus and many other travellers - His bed has cuffs that trap people - Has a girl slave that warns people about trap - Theseus traps Procrustes in his own bed - No one else will ever be trapped
Sciron - Asks people to clean his feet - He then tricks them by pushing them off the cliff to feed his giant turtle - Theseus defeats him
Pityocamptes - Pine robber - Ties people to trees and stretches them apart - Gets trapped and tied between two trees by Theseus
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