

- Microbiology Flashcards on Dermatophilus, created by Katerina Lalaouni on 14/04/2019.
Katerina Lalaouni
Flashcards by Katerina Lalaouni, updated more than 1 year ago
Katerina Lalaouni
Created by Katerina Lalaouni almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the microscopic appearance of the strain Dermatophilus? Branching,filamentous or coccoid Rods Motile with zoospores Gram + Weakly fermentative
What is a very important component of their cell wall? Meso-diaminopimelic acid NO arabinose,NO galactose
During its life cycle after germination of a zoospore there is formation of 1._________ 2._________ 3._________ then binary fission occurs and that leads to _________________ . 1.germ tube 2.transverse septa 3.longitudinal septa release of a mature,asexual + motile zoospore
Which strain of Dermatophilus causes the lumpy wool disease?In which species? Dermatophilus congolensis In sheep
Which strand of Dermatophilus causes general infection of epidermis amongst spieces? Dermatophilus congolensis
How is D.congolensis transmitted? What increases its severity? 1.Direct physical contact 2.Via ticks 3.Injury by thorny range plants Moist conditions
How does D.Congolensis manifest its harmfulness? Trauma+ wetting is a predisposing factor Through production of phospholipase,proteases+alkaline ceramidase To increase permeability of epidermis-breakdown of Keratin
What is the treatment for diseases caused by Dermatophilus strains? Mild cases->grooming +removal of the animal Severe cases->Atb:Penicillin,Streptomycin, Oxytetracyclin and SXT Vaccine is NOT effective
What are the incubation conditions? Scabs on uncontaminated sheep blood agar 5-10% CO2 at 35-37 C,within 24-48 hours Strict anaerobe Slow growth:up to 5 days
Is genus Dermatophilus able to ferment? Weak fermentation Glucose fermentation
What are the results for Urease,Indole and Nitrate reduction test? Urease:+ Indole,Nitrate reductase:-
Can hemolysis be obsserved with the carbofuchsin staining? No,Giemsa or Gram staining are used for Dermatophilus Small,grayish yellow hemolytic colonies can be seen
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