The Emigree by crowley


Flashcards based on the poem the Emigree
kieron crowley
Flashcards by kieron crowley, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by a deleted user over 5 years ago
kieron crowley
Copied by kieron crowley over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
'there once was a country... i left as a child' Elipses creates a caesura indicating a flashback
'sunlight- clear' Pathetic fallacy creates a positive image which juxtaposes her understanding as a child
'i am told' The aside is used to draw distinction between experience and what the speaker has heard
'filled paperweight' Metaphor presents her city as a souvenir and makes her view of the country seem shallow and unrealistic
'branded by an impression of sunlight' connotations branded often conveys a sense that she’s marked for wrongness, repetition of 'sunlight', branded also implies permanent as if she can't be persuaded otherwise
'I comb its hair and love its shining eyes' Personification that shows that she treats the memory with a childlike adoration, almost as if it is a doll
‘my shadow falls as evidence of sunlight’ The speaker has an idealised, almost dream-like picture of the past, where it is always sunny, however the place is not as perfect as she remembers it and mentions ‘dark’ and ‘death’ to imply that things are not as ideal as her memories suggest
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